diff options
authorRealBadAngel <>2013-03-24 17:46:30 +0100
committerRealBadAngel <>2013-03-24 17:46:30 +0100
commit52138943eea16c6fb82ade50fb45db7a8d54a459 (patch)
parentf552406e74491d908c6dea503e6d4e4a0ede59bb (diff)
back to old ways
1 files changed, 49 insertions, 125 deletions
diff --git a/technic/ores.lua b/technic/ores.lua
index 5ba3e3f..9baac9e 100644
--- a/technic/ores.lua
+++ b/technic/ores.lua
@@ -248,130 +248,54 @@ minetest.register_craft({
recipe = "technic:zinc_lump"
-minetest.register_on_generated(function(minp, maxp, seed)
-default.generate_ore("technic:mineral_diamond", "default:stone", minp, maxp, seed+21, 1/11/11/11, 3, 4, -31000, -450 )
-default.generate_ore("technic:mineral_uranium", "default:stone", minp, maxp, seed+22, 1/10/10/10, 2, 3, -300, -80 )
-default.generate_ore("technic:mineral_chromium", "default:stone", minp, maxp, seed+23, 1/10/10/10, 3, 2, -31000, -100 )
-default.generate_ore("technic:mineral_zinc", "default:stone", minp, maxp, seed+24, 1/9/9/9, 3, 4, -31000, 2 )
-default.generate_ore("technic:marble", "default:stone", minp, maxp, seed+25, 1/128, 5, 20, -100, -32 )
-default.generate_ore("technic:granite", "default:stone", minp, maxp, seed+25, 1/128, 5, 15, -190, -90 )
-function generate_stratus(name, wherein, ceilin, ceil, minp, maxp, seed, stratus_chance, radius, radius_y, deep, height_min, height_max)
- if maxp.y < height_min or minp.y > height_max then
- return
- end
- -- it will be only generate a stratus for every 100 m of area
- local stratus_per_volume=1
- local area=45
- local y_min = math.max(minp.y, height_min)
- local y_max = math.min(maxp.y, height_max)
- local volume = ((maxp.x-minp.x+1)/area)*((y_max-y_min+1)/area)*((maxp.z-minp.z+1)/area)
- local pr = PseudoRandom(seed)
- local blocks = math.floor(stratus_per_volume*volume)
- print(" <<"..dump(name)..">>");
- if blocks == 0 then
- blocks = 1
- end
- print(" blocks: "..dump(blocks).." in vol: "..dump(volume).." ("..dump(maxp.x-minp.x+1)..","..dump(y_max-y_min+1)..","..dump(maxp.z-minp.z+1)..")")
- for i=1,blocks do
- local x = pr:next(1,stratus_chance)
- if x == 1 then
- -- TODO deep
- local y0=y_max-radius_y+1
- if y0 < y_min then
- y0=y_min
- else
- y0=pr:next(y_min, y0)
- end
- local x0 = maxp.x-radius+1
- if x0 < minp.x then
- x0 = minp.x
- else
- x0 = pr:next(minp.x, x0)
- end
- local z0 = maxp.z-radius+1
- if z0 < minp.z then
- x0 = minp.z
- else
- z0 = pr:next(minp.z, z0)
- end
- local p0 = {x=x0, y=y0, z=z0}
- local n = minetest.env:get_node(p0).name
- local i = 0
- --print(" upper node "..n)
- x = 0
- for k, v in ipairs(ceilin) do
- if n == v then
- x = 1
- break
- end
- end
- if x == 1 then
- -- search for the node to replace
- --print(" Searching nodes to replace from "..dump(y0-1).." to "..dump(y_min))
- for y1=y0-1,y_min,-1 do
- p0.y=y1
- n = minetest.env:get_node(p0).name
- x = 0
- for k, v in ipairs(wherein) do
- if n == v then
- x = 1
- break
- end
- end
- if x == 1 then
- y0=y1-deep
- if y0 < y_min then
- y0 = y_min
- end
- break
- end
- end
- local rx=pr:next(radius/2,radius)+1
- local rz=pr:next(radius/2,radius)+1
- local ry=pr:next(radius_y/2,radius_y)+1
- --print(" area of generation ("..dump(rx)..","..dump(rz)..","..dump(ry)..")")
- for x1=0,rx do
- rz = rz + 3 - pr:next(1,6)
- if rz < 1 then
- rz = 1
- end
- for z1=pr:next(1,3),rz do
- local ry0=ry+ pr:next(1,3)
- for y1=pr:next(1,3),ry0 do
- local x2 = x0+x1
- local y2 = y0+y1
- local z2 = z0+z1
- local p2 = {x=x2, y=y2, z=z2}
- n = minetest.env:get_node(p2).name
- x = 0
- for k, v in ipairs(wherein) do
- if n == v then
- x = 1
- break
- end
- end
- if x == 1 then
- if ceil == nil then
- minetest.env:set_node(p2, {name=name})
- i = i +1
- else
- local p3 = {p2.x,p2.y+1,p2}
- if minetest.env:get_node(p3).name == ceil then
- minetest.env:set_node(p2, {name=name})
- i = i +1
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- print(" generated "..dump(i).." blocks in ("..dump(x0)..","..dump(y0)..","..dump(z0)..")")
- end
- end
- end
- --print("generate_ore done")
+local function generate_ore(name, wherein, minp, maxp, seed, chunks_per_volume, ore_per_chunk, height_min, height_max)
+ if maxp.y < height_min or minp.y > height_max then
+ return
+ end
+ local y_min = math.max(minp.y, height_min)
+ local y_max = math.min(maxp.y, height_max)
+ local volume = (maxp.x-minp.x+1)*(y_max-y_min+1)*(maxp.z-minp.z+1)
+ local pr = PseudoRandom(seed)
+ local num_chunks = math.floor(chunks_per_volume * volume)
+ local chunk_size = 3
+ if ore_per_chunk <= 4 then
+ chunk_size = 2
+ end
+ local inverse_chance = math.floor(chunk_size*chunk_size*chunk_size / ore_per_chunk)
+ --print("generate_ore num_chunks: "..dump(num_chunks))
+ for i=1,num_chunks do
+ if (y_max-chunk_size+1 <= y_min) then return end
+ local y0 = pr:next(y_min, y_max-chunk_size+1)
+ if y0 >= height_min and y0 <= height_max then
+ local x0 = pr:next(minp.x, maxp.x-chunk_size+1)
+ local z0 = pr:next(minp.z, maxp.z-chunk_size+1)
+ local p0 = {x=x0, y=y0, z=z0}
+ for x1=0,chunk_size-1 do
+ for y1=0,chunk_size-1 do
+ for z1=0,chunk_size-1 do
+ if pr:next(1,inverse_chance) == 1 then
+ local x2 = x0+x1
+ local y2 = y0+y1
+ local z2 = z0+z1
+ local p2 = {x=x2, y=y2, z=z2}
+ if minetest.env:get_node(p2).name == wherein then
+ minetest.env:set_node(p2, {name=name})
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ --print("generate_ore done")
+minetest.register_on_generated(function(minp, maxp, seed)
+generate_ore("technic:mineral_diamond", "default:stone", minp, maxp, seed+21, 1/11/11/11, 4, -31000, -450)
+generate_ore("technic:mineral_uranium", "default:stone", minp, maxp, seed+22, 1/10/10/10, 3, -300, -80)
+generate_ore("technic:mineral_chromium", "default:stone", minp, maxp, seed+23, 1/10/10/10, 2, -31000, -100)
+generate_ore("technic:mineral_zinc", "default:stone", minp, maxp, seed+24, 1/9/9/9, 4, -31000, 2)
+generate_ore("technic:marble", "default:stone", minp, maxp, seed+25, 1/128, 20, -100, -32)
+generate_ore("technic:granite", "default:stone", minp, maxp, seed+25, 1/128, 15, -190, -90)