diff options
authorZefram <>2014-07-03 19:42:29 +0100
committerNovatux <>2014-07-07 15:15:30 +0200
commit9004ab3322f8c4288c1197a963c887be8e14ec92 (patch)
parent01b475c7cc7821489ad1fbe2db5ad85bcfcc10f9 (diff)
Handheld prospecting toolorigin/recipes_rework
The new tool will say whether a target block type is present in a specified region, to allow for more targeted digging. It is deliberately quite weak, with several limitations: only stores enough charge for a small number of shots; target can only be set by pointing at an example node; range is limited; accuracy is less than 100%. Some of these limitations should probably be ameliorated, but not entirely eliminated, in the future when we have a better idea of game balance. The inventory image is only a placeholder.
-rw-r--r--technic/sounds/technic_prospector_hit.oggbin0 -> 4698 bytes
-rw-r--r--technic/sounds/technic_prospector_miss.oggbin0 -> 4481 bytes
-rw-r--r--technic/textures/technic_prospector.pngbin0 -> 367 bytes
5 files changed, 127 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/technic/sounds/technic_prospector_hit.ogg b/technic/sounds/technic_prospector_hit.ogg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3a8ad2d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/technic/sounds/technic_prospector_hit.ogg
Binary files differ
diff --git a/technic/sounds/technic_prospector_miss.ogg b/technic/sounds/technic_prospector_miss.ogg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0f050d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/technic/sounds/technic_prospector_miss.ogg
Binary files differ
diff --git a/technic/textures/technic_prospector.png b/technic/textures/technic_prospector.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2f9ee6c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/technic/textures/technic_prospector.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/technic/tools/init.lua b/technic/tools/init.lua
index 60327a5..b8d9127 100644
--- a/technic/tools/init.lua
+++ b/technic/tools/init.lua
@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ dofile(path.."/cans.lua")
if minetest.get_modpath("screwdriver") then
-- compatibility alias
diff --git a/technic/tools/prospector.lua b/technic/tools/prospector.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..686e0a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/technic/tools/prospector.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
+local S = technic.getter
+technic.register_power_tool("technic:prospector", 15000)
+local function get_metadata(toolstack)
+ local m = minetest.deserialize(toolstack:get_metadata())
+ if not m then m = {} end
+ if not m.charge then m.charge = 0 end
+ if not then = "" end
+ if not m.look_depth then m.look_depth = 7 end
+ if not m.look_radius then m.look_radius = 1 end
+ return m
+minetest.register_tool("technic:prospector", {
+ description = S("Prospector"),
+ inventory_image = "technic_prospector.png",
+ wear_represents = "technic_RE_charge",
+ on_refill = technic.refill_RE_charge,
+ on_use = function(toolstack, user, pointed_thing)
+ if not user or not user:is_player() or user.is_fake_player then return end
+ if pointed_thing.type ~= "node" then return end
+ local toolmeta = get_metadata(toolstack)
+ local look_diameter = toolmeta.look_radius * 2 + 1
+ local charge_to_take = toolmeta.look_depth * (toolmeta.look_depth + 1) * look_diameter * look_diameter
+ if toolmeta.charge < charge_to_take then return end
+ if == "" then
+ minetest.chat_send_player(user:get_player_name(), "Right-click to set target block type")
+ return
+ end
+ toolmeta.charge = toolmeta.charge - charge_to_take
+ toolstack:set_metadata(minetest.serialize(toolmeta))
+ technic.set_RE_wear(toolstack, toolmeta.charge, technic.power_tools[toolstack:get_name()])
+ local start_pos = pointed_thing.under
+ local forward = minetest.facedir_to_dir(minetest.dir_to_facedir(user:get_look_dir(), true))
+ local right = forward.x ~= 0 and { x=0, y=1, z=0 } or (forward.y ~= 0 and { x=0, y=0, z=1 } or { x=1, y=0, z=0 })
+ local up = forward.x ~= 0 and { x=0, y=0, z=1 } or (forward.y ~= 0 and { x=1, y=0, z=0 } or { x=0, y=1, z=0 })
+ local base_pos = vector.add(start_pos, vector.multiply(vector.add(right, up), - toolmeta.look_radius))
+ local found = false
+ for f = 0, toolmeta.look_depth-1 do
+ for r = 0, look_diameter-1 do
+ for u = 0, look_diameter-1 do
+ if minetest.get_node(vector.add(vector.add(vector.add(base_pos, vector.multiply(forward, f)), vector.multiply(right, r)), vector.multiply(up, u))).name == then found = true end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if math.random() < 0.02 then found = not found end
+ minetest.chat_send_player(user:get_player_name(), minetest.registered_nodes[].description.." is "..(found and "present" or "absent").." in "..look_diameter.."x"..look_diameter.."x"..toolmeta.look_depth.." region")
+ minetest.sound_play("technic_prospector_"..(found and "hit" or "miss"), { pos = vector.add(user:getpos(), { x = 0, y = 1, z = 0 }), gain = 1.0, max_hear_distance = 10 })
+ return toolstack
+ end,
+ on_place = function(toolstack, user, pointed_thing)
+ if not user or not user:is_player() or user.is_fake_player then return end
+ local toolmeta = get_metadata(toolstack)
+ local pointed
+ if pointed_thing.type == "node" then
+ local pname = minetest.get_node(pointed_thing.under).name
+ local pdef = minetest.registered_nodes[pname]
+ if pdef and (pdef.groups.not_in_creative_inventory or 0) == 0 and pname ~= then
+ pointed = pname
+ end
+ end
+ local look_diameter = toolmeta.look_radius * 2 + 1
+ minetest.show_formspec(user:get_player_name(), "technic:prospector_control",
+ "size[7,8.5]"..
+ "item_image[0,0;1,1;"..toolstack:get_name().."]"..
+ "label[1,0;"..minetest.formspec_escape(toolstack:get_definition().description).."]"..
+ ( ~= "" and
+ "label[0,1.5;Current target:]"..
+ "label[0,2;"..minetest.formspec_escape(minetest.registered_nodes[].description).."]"..
+ "item_image[0,2.5;1,1;""]" or
+ "label[0,1.5;No target set]")..
+ (pointed and
+ "label[3.5,1.5;May set new target:]"..
+ "label[3.5,2;"..minetest.formspec_escape(minetest.registered_nodes[pointed].description).."]"..
+ "item_image[3.5,2.5;1,1;"..pointed.."]"..
+ "button_exit[3.5,3.65;2,0.5;target_"..pointed..";Set target]" or
+ "label[3.5,1.5;No new target available]")..
+ "label[0,4.5;Region cross section:]"..
+ "label[0,5;"..look_diameter.."x"..look_diameter.."]"..
+ "label[3.5,4.5;Set region cross section:]"..
+ "button_exit[3.5,5.15;1,0.5;look_radius_0;1x1]"..
+ "button_exit[4.5,5.15;1,0.5;look_radius_1;3x3]"..
+ "button_exit[5.5,5.15;1,0.5;look_radius_3;7x7]"..
+ "label[0,6;Region depth:]"..
+ "label[0,6.5;"..toolmeta.look_depth.."]"..
+ "label[3.5,6;Set region depth:]"..
+ "button_exit[3.5,6.65;1,0.5;look_depth_7;7]"..
+ "button_exit[4.5,6.65;1,0.5;look_depth_14;14]"..
+ "button_exit[5.5,6.65;1,0.5;look_depth_21;21]"..
+ "label[0,7.5;Accuracy:]"..
+ "label[0,8;98%]")
+ return
+ end,
+minetest.register_on_player_receive_fields(function(user, formname, fields)
+ if formname ~= "technic:prospector_control" then return false end
+ if not user or not user:is_player() or user.is_fake_player then return end
+ local toolstack = user:get_wielded_item()
+ if toolstack:get_name() ~= "technic:prospector" then return true end
+ local toolmeta = get_metadata(toolstack)
+ for field, value in pairs(fields) do
+ if field:sub(1, 7) == "target_" then
+ = field:sub(8)
+ end
+ if field:sub(1, 12) == "look_radius_" then
+ toolmeta.look_radius = field:sub(13)
+ end
+ if field:sub(1, 11) == "look_depth_" then
+ toolmeta.look_depth = field:sub(12)
+ end
+ end
+ toolstack:set_metadata(minetest.serialize(toolmeta))
+ user:set_wielded_item(toolstack)
+ return true
+ output = "technic:prospector",
+ recipe = {
+ {"moreores:pick_silver", "moreores:mithril_block", "pipeworks:teleport_tube_1"},
+ {"technic:brass_ingot", "technic:control_logic_unit", "technic:brass_ingot"},
+ {"", "technic:brass_ingot", ""},
+ }