diff options
2 files changed, 0 insertions, 451 deletions
diff --git a/technic/down_converter_hv.lua b/technic/down_converter_hv.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 0e2e16d..0000000
--- a/technic/down_converter_hv.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,225 +0,0 @@
--- The HV down converter will step down HV EUs to MV EUs
--- If we take the solar panel as calibration then the
--- 1 HVEU = 5 MVEU as we stack 5 MV arrays to get a HV array.
--- The downconverter does of course have a conversion loss.
--- This loses 30% of the power.
--- The converter does not store any energy by itself.
-minetest.register_node("technic:down_converter_hv", {
- description = "HV Down Converter",
- tiles = {"technic_hv_down_converter_top.png", "technic_hv_down_converter_bottom.png", "technic_hv_down_converter_side.png",
- "technic_hv_down_converter_side.png", "technic_hv_down_converter_side.png", "technic_hv_down_converter_side.png"},
- groups = {snappy=2,choppy=2,oddly_breakable_by_hand=2},
- sounds = default.node_sound_wood_defaults(),
- drawtype = "nodebox",
- paramtype = "light",
- is_ground_content = true,
- node_box = {
- type = "fixed",
- fixed = {-0.5, -0.5, -0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5},
- },
- selection_box = {
- type = "fixed",
- fixed = {-0.5, -0.5, -0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5},
- },
- on_construct = function(pos)
- local meta = minetest.env:get_meta(pos)
- meta:set_float("technic_hv_power_machine", 1)
- meta:set_float("technic_mv_power_machine", 1)
- meta:set_float("internal_EU_buffer",0)
- meta:set_float("internal_EU_buffer_size",0)
- meta:set_string("infotext", "HV Down Converter")
- meta:set_float("active", false)
- end,
- })
- output = 'technic:down_converter_hv 1',
- recipe = {
- {'technic:stainless_steel_ingot', 'technic:stainless_steel_ingot','technic:stainless_steel_ingot'},
- {'technic:hv_transformer', 'technic:hv_cable', 'technic:mv_transformer'},
- {'technic:hv_cable', 'technic:rubber', 'technic:mv_cable'},
- }
- {nodenames = {"technic:down_converter_hv"},
- interval = 1,
- chance = 1,
- action = function(pos, node, active_object_count, active_object_count_wider)
- -- HV->MV conversion factor
- local hv_mv_factor = 5
- -- The maximun charge a single converter can handle. Let's set this to
- -- what 5 HV solar arrays can produce - 30% loss (2880*5*0.7)
- local max_charge = 10080*hv_mv_factor
- local meta = minetest.env:get_meta(pos)
- local meta1 = nil
- local pos1 = {}
- local available_charge = 0 -- counted in MV units
- local used_charge = 0 -- counted in MV units
- -- Index all HV nodes connected to the network
- -- HV cable comes in through the bottom
- pos1.y = pos.y-1
- pos1.x = pos.x
- pos1.z = pos.z
- meta1 = minetest.env:get_meta(pos1)
- if meta1:get_float("hv_cablelike")~=1 then return end
- local HV_nodes = {} -- HV type
- local HV_PR_nodes = {} -- HV type
- local HV_BA_nodes = {} -- HV type
- HV_nodes[1] = {}
- HV_nodes[1].x = pos1.x
- HV_nodes[1].y = pos1.y
- HV_nodes[1].z = pos1.z
- local table_index = 1
- repeat
- check_HV_node(HV_PR_nodes,nil,HV_BA_nodes,HV_nodes,table_index)
- table_index = table_index + 1
- if HV_nodes[table_index] == nil then break end
- until false
- --print("HV_nodes: PR="..table.getn(HV_PR_nodes).." BA="..table.getn(HV_BA_nodes))
- -- Index all MV nodes connected to the network
- -- MV cable comes out of the top
- pos1.y = pos.y+1
- pos1.x = pos.x
- pos1.z = pos.z
- meta1 = minetest.env:get_meta(pos1)
- if meta1:get_float("mv_cablelike")~=1 then return end
- local MV_nodes = {} -- MV type
- local MV_RE_nodes = {} -- MV type
- local MV_BA_nodes = {} -- MV type
- MV_nodes[1] = {}
- MV_nodes[1].x = pos1.x
- MV_nodes[1].y = pos1.y
- MV_nodes[1].z = pos1.z
- table_index = 1
- repeat
- check_MV_node(nil,MV_RE_nodes,MV_BA_nodes,MV_nodes,table_index)
- table_index = table_index + 1
- if MV_nodes[table_index] == nil then break end
- until false
- --print("MV_nodes: RE="..table.getn(MV_RE_nodes).." BA="..table.getn(MV_BA_nodes))
- -- First get available power from all the attached HV suppliers
- -- Get the supplier internal EU buffer and read the EUs from it
- -- No update yet!
- local pos1
--- FIXME: Until further leave the producers out of it and just let the batteries be the hub
--- for _,pos1 in ipairs(HV_PR_nodes) do
--- meta1 = minetest.env:get_meta(pos1)
--- local internal_EU_buffer = meta1:get_float("internal_EU_buffer")
--- available_charge = available_charge + meta1:get_float("internal_EU_buffer") * hv_mv_factor
--- -- Limit conversion capacity
--- if available_charge > max_charge then
--- available_charge = max_charge
--- break
--- end
--- end
--- --print("Available_charge PR:"..available_charge)
- for _,pos1 in ipairs(HV_BA_nodes) do
- meta1 = minetest.env:get_meta(pos1)
- local internal_EU_buffer = meta1:get_float("internal_EU_buffer")
- available_charge = available_charge + meta1:get_float("internal_EU_buffer") * hv_mv_factor
- -- Limit conversion capacity
- if available_charge > max_charge then
- available_charge = max_charge
- break
- end
- end
- --print("Available_charge PR+BA:"..available_charge)
- -- Calculate total number of receivers:
- local MV_receivers = table.getn(MV_RE_nodes)+table.getn(MV_BA_nodes)
- -- Next supply power to all connected MV machines
- -- Get the power receiver internal EU buffer and give EUs to it
- -- Note: for now leave out RE type machines until producers distribute power themselves even without a battery
--- for _,pos1 in ipairs(MV_RE_nodes) do
--- local meta1 = minetest.env:get_meta(pos1)
--- local internal_EU_buffer = meta1:get_float("internal_EU_buffer")
--- local internal_EU_buffer_size = meta1:get_float("internal_EU_buffer_size")
--- local charge_to_give = math.min(4000, available_charge/MV_receivers) -- power rating limit on the MV wire
--- -- How much can this unit take?
--- if internal_EU_buffer+charge_to_give > internal_EU_buffer_size then
--- charge_to_give=internal_EU_buffer_size-internal_EU_buffer
--- end
--- -- If we are emptying the supply take the remainder
--- if available_charge<used_charge+charge_to_give then charge_to_give=available_charge-used_charge end
--- -- Update the unit supplied to
--- internal_EU_buffer = internal_EU_buffer + charge_to_give
--- meta1:set_float("internal_EU_buffer",internal_EU_buffer)
--- -- Do the accounting
--- used_charge = used_charge + charge_to_give
--- if available_charge == used_charge then break end -- bail out if supply depleted
--- end
- --print("used_charge RE:"..used_charge)
- for _,pos1 in ipairs(MV_BA_nodes) do
- local meta1 = minetest.env:get_meta(pos1)
- local internal_EU_buffer = meta1:get_float("internal_EU_buffer")
- local internal_EU_buffer_size = meta1:get_float("internal_EU_buffer_size")
- --print("internal_EU_buffer:"..internal_EU_buffer)
- --print("internal_EU_buffer_size:"..internal_EU_buffer_size)
- local charge_to_give = math.min(math.floor(available_charge/MV_receivers), 4000) -- power rating limit on the MV wire
- --print("charge_to_give:"..charge_to_give)
- -- How much can this unit take?
- if internal_EU_buffer+charge_to_give > internal_EU_buffer_size then
- charge_to_give=internal_EU_buffer_size-internal_EU_buffer
- end
- --print("charge_to_give2:"..charge_to_give)
- -- If we are emptying the supply take the remainder
- if available_charge<used_charge+charge_to_give then charge_to_give=available_charge-used_charge end
- -- Update the unit supplied to
- --print("charge_to_give3:"..charge_to_give)
- internal_EU_buffer = internal_EU_buffer + charge_to_give
- --print("internal_EU_buffer:"..internal_EU_buffer)
- meta1:set_float("internal_EU_buffer",internal_EU_buffer)
- -- Do the accounting
- used_charge = used_charge + charge_to_give
- --print("used_charge:"..used_charge)
- if available_charge == used_charge then break end -- bail out if supply depleted
- end
- --print("used_charge RE+BA:"..used_charge)
- -- Last update the HV suppliers with the actual demand.
- -- Get the supplier internal EU buffer and update the EUs from it
- -- Note: So far PR nodes left out and only BA nodes are updated
- local HV_BA_size = table.getn(HV_BA_nodes)
- for _,pos1 in ipairs(HV_BA_nodes) do
- meta1 = minetest.env:get_meta(pos1)
- local internal_EU_buffer = meta1:get_float("internal_EU_buffer")
- local charge_to_take = math.floor(used_charge/HV_BA_size/hv_mv_factor) -- HV units
- if internal_EU_buffer-charge_to_take <= 0 then
- charge_to_take = internal_EU_buffer
- end
- if charge_to_take > 0 then
- internal_EU_buffer = internal_EU_buffer-charge_to_take
- meta1:set_float("internal_EU_buffer",internal_EU_buffer)
- end
- end
- if used_charge>0 then
- meta:set_string("infotext", "HV Down Converter is active (HV:"..available_charge.."/MV:"..used_charge..")");
- meta:set_float("active",1) -- used for setting textures someday maybe
- else
- meta:set_string("infotext", "HV Down Converter is inactive (HV:"..available_charge.."/MV:"..used_charge..")");
- meta:set_float("active",0) -- used for setting textures someday maybe
- return
- end
- end,
--- This machine does not store energy it receives energy from the HV side and outputs it on the MV side
-register_HV_machine ("technic:down_converter_hv","RE")
-register_MV_machine ("technic:down_converter_hv","PR")
diff --git a/technic/down_converter_mv.lua b/technic/down_converter_mv.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 1d26630..0000000
--- a/technic/down_converter_mv.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,226 +0,0 @@
--- The MV down converter will step down MV EUs to LV EUs
--- If we take the solar panel as calibration then the
--- 1 MVEU = 5 LVEU as we stack 5 LV arrays to get an MV array.
--- The downconverter does of course have a conversion loss.
--- This loses 30% of the power.
--- The converter does not store any energy by itself.
- "technic:down_converter_mv", {
- description = "MV Down Converter",
- tiles = {"technic_mv_down_converter_top.png", "technic_mv_down_converter_bottom.png", "technic_mv_down_converter_side.png",
- "technic_mv_down_converter_side.png", "technic_mv_down_converter_side.png", "technic_mv_down_converter_side.png"},
- groups = {snappy=2,choppy=2,oddly_breakable_by_hand=2},
- sounds = default.node_sound_wood_defaults(),
- drawtype = "nodebox",
- paramtype = "light",
- is_ground_content = true,
- node_box = {
- type = "fixed",
- fixed = {-0.5, -0.5, -0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5},
- },
- selection_box = {
- type = "fixed",
- fixed = {-0.5, -0.5, -0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5},
- },
- on_construct = function(pos)
- local meta = minetest.env:get_meta(pos)
- meta:set_float("technic_mv_power_machine", 1)
- meta:set_float("technic_power_machine", 1)
- meta:set_float("internal_EU_buffer",0)
- meta:set_float("internal_EU_buffer_size",0)
- meta:set_string("infotext", "MV Down Converter")
- meta:set_float("active", false)
- end,
- })
- output = 'technic:down_converter_mv 1',
- recipe = {
- {'technic:stainless_steel_ingot', 'technic:stainless_steel_ingot','technic:stainless_steel_ingot'},
- {'technic:mv_transformer', 'technic:mv_cable', 'technic:lv_transformer'},
- {'technic:mv_cable', 'technic:rubber', 'technic:lv_cable'},
- }
- {nodenames = {"technic:down_converter_mv"},
- interval = 1,
- chance = 1,
- action = function(pos, node, active_object_count, active_object_count_wider)
- -- MV->LV conversion factor
- local mv_lv_factor = 5
- -- The maximun charge a single converter can handle. Let's set this to
- -- what 5 MV solar arrays can produce - 30% loss (720*5*0.7)
- local max_charge = 2520*mv_lv_factor
- local meta = minetest.env:get_meta(pos)
- local meta1 = nil
- local pos1 = {}
- local available_charge = 0 -- counted in LV units
- local used_charge = 0 -- counted in LV units
- -- Index all MV nodes connected to the network
- -- MV cable comes in through the bottom
- pos1.y = pos.y-1
- pos1.x = pos.x
- pos1.z = pos.z
- meta1 = minetest.env:get_meta(pos1)
- if meta1:get_float("mv_cablelike")~=1 then return end
- local MV_nodes = {} -- MV type
- local MV_PR_nodes = {} -- MV type
- local MV_BA_nodes = {} -- MV type
- MV_nodes[1] = {}
- MV_nodes[1].x = pos1.x
- MV_nodes[1].y = pos1.y
- MV_nodes[1].z = pos1.z
- local table_index = 1
- repeat
- check_MV_node(MV_PR_nodes,nil,MV_BA_nodes,MV_nodes,table_index)
- table_index = table_index + 1
- if MV_nodes[table_index] == nil then break end
- until false
- --print("MV_nodes: PR="..table.getn(MV_PR_nodes).." BA="..table.getn(MV_BA_nodes))
- -- Index all LV nodes connected to the network
- -- LV cable comes out of the top
- pos1.y = pos.y+1
- pos1.x = pos.x
- pos1.z = pos.z
- meta1 = minetest.env:get_meta(pos1)
- if meta1:get_float("cablelike")~=1 then return end
- local LV_nodes = {} -- LV type
- local LV_RE_nodes = {} -- LV type
- local LV_BA_nodes = {} -- LV type
- LV_nodes[1] = {}
- LV_nodes[1].x = pos1.x
- LV_nodes[1].y = pos1.y
- LV_nodes[1].z = pos1.z
- table_index = 1
- repeat
- check_LV_node(nil,LV_RE_nodes,LV_BA_nodes,LV_nodes,table_index)
- table_index = table_index + 1
- if LV_nodes[table_index] == nil then break end
- until false
- --print("LV_nodes: RE="..table.getn(LV_RE_nodes).." BA="..table.getn(LV_BA_nodes))
- -- First get available power from all the attached MV suppliers
- -- Get the supplier internal EU buffer and read the EUs from it
- -- No update yet!
- local pos1
--- FIXME: Until further leave the producers out of it and just let the batteries be the hub
--- for _,pos1 in ipairs(MV_PR_nodes) do
--- meta1 = minetest.env:get_meta(pos1)
--- local internal_EU_buffer = meta1:get_float("internal_EU_buffer")
--- available_charge = available_charge + meta1:get_float("internal_EU_buffer") * mv_lv_factor
--- -- Limit conversion capacity
--- if available_charge > max_charge then
--- available_charge = max_charge
--- break
--- end
--- end
--- print("Available_charge PR:"..available_charge)
- for _,pos1 in ipairs(MV_BA_nodes) do
- meta1 = minetest.env:get_meta(pos1)
- local internal_EU_buffer = meta1:get_float("internal_EU_buffer")
- available_charge = available_charge + meta1:get_float("internal_EU_buffer") * mv_lv_factor
- -- Limit conversion capacity
- if available_charge > max_charge then
- available_charge = max_charge
- break
- end
- end
- --print("Available_charge PR+BA:"..available_charge)
- -- Calculate total number of receivers:
- local LV_receivers = table.getn(LV_RE_nodes)+table.getn(LV_BA_nodes)
- -- Next supply power to all connected LV machines
- -- Get the power receiver internal EU buffer and give EUs to it
- -- Note: for now leave out RE type machines until producers distribute power themselves even without a battery
--- for _,pos1 in ipairs(LV_RE_nodes) do
--- local meta1 = minetest.env:get_meta(pos1)
--- local internal_EU_buffer = meta1:get_float("internal_EU_buffer")
--- local internal_EU_buffer_size = meta1:get_float("internal_EU_buffer_size")
--- local charge_to_give = math.min(1000, available_charge/LV_receivers) -- power rating limit on the LV wire
--- -- How much can this unit take?
--- if internal_EU_buffer+charge_to_give > internal_EU_buffer_size then
--- charge_to_give=internal_EU_buffer_size-internal_EU_buffer
--- end
--- -- If we are emptying the supply take the remainder
--- if available_charge<used_charge+charge_to_give then charge_to_give=available_charge-used_charge end
--- -- Update the unit supplied to
--- internal_EU_buffer = internal_EU_buffer + charge_to_give
--- meta1:set_float("internal_EU_buffer",internal_EU_buffer)
--- -- Do the accounting
--- used_charge = used_charge + charge_to_give
--- if available_charge == used_charge then break end -- bail out if supply depleted
--- end
- --print("used_charge RE:"..used_charge)
- for _,pos1 in ipairs(LV_BA_nodes) do
- local meta1 = minetest.env:get_meta(pos1)
- local internal_EU_buffer = meta1:get_float("internal_EU_buffer")
- local internal_EU_buffer_size = meta1:get_float("internal_EU_buffer_size")
- --print("internal_EU_buffer:"..internal_EU_buffer)
- --print("internal_EU_buffer_size:"..internal_EU_buffer_size)
- local charge_to_give = math.min(math.floor(available_charge/LV_receivers), 1000) -- power rating limit on the LV wire
- --print("charge_to_give:"..charge_to_give)
- -- How much can this unit take?
- if internal_EU_buffer+charge_to_give > internal_EU_buffer_size then
- charge_to_give=internal_EU_buffer_size-internal_EU_buffer
- end
- --print("charge_to_give2:"..charge_to_give)
- -- If we are emptying the supply take the remainder
- if available_charge<used_charge+charge_to_give then charge_to_give=available_charge-used_charge end
- -- Update the unit supplied to
- --print("charge_to_give3:"..charge_to_give)
- internal_EU_buffer = internal_EU_buffer + charge_to_give
- --print("internal_EU_buffer:"..internal_EU_buffer)
- meta1:set_float("internal_EU_buffer",internal_EU_buffer)
- -- Do the accounting
- used_charge = used_charge + charge_to_give
- --print("used_charge:"..used_charge)
- if available_charge == used_charge then break end -- bail out if supply depleted
- end
- --print("used_charge RE+BA:"..used_charge)
- -- Last update the MV suppliers with the actual demand.
- -- Get the supplier internal EU buffer and update the EUs from it
- -- Note: So far PR nodes left out and only BA nodes are updated
- local MV_BA_size = table.getn(MV_BA_nodes)
- for _,pos1 in ipairs(MV_BA_nodes) do
- meta1 = minetest.env:get_meta(pos1)
- local internal_EU_buffer = meta1:get_float("internal_EU_buffer")
- local charge_to_take = math.floor(used_charge/MV_BA_size/mv_lv_factor) -- MV units
- if internal_EU_buffer-charge_to_take <= 0 then
- charge_to_take = internal_EU_buffer
- end
- if charge_to_take > 0 then
- internal_EU_buffer = internal_EU_buffer-charge_to_take
- meta1:set_float("internal_EU_buffer",internal_EU_buffer)
- end
- end
- if used_charge>0 then
- meta:set_string("infotext", "MV Down Converter is active (MV:"..available_charge.."/LV:"..used_charge..")");
- meta:set_float("active",1) -- used for setting textures someday maybe
- else
- meta:set_string("infotext", "MV Down Converter is inactive (MV:"..available_charge.."/LV:"..used_charge..")");
- meta:set_float("active",0) -- used for setting textures someday maybe
- return
- end
- end,
--- This machine does not store energy it receives energy from the MV side and outputs it on the LV side
-register_MV_machine ("technic:down_converter_mv","RE")
-register_LV_machine ("technic:down_converter_mv","PR")