path: root/technic/tools/vector_line.lua
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Diffstat (limited to 'technic/tools/vector_line.lua')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 83 deletions
diff --git a/technic/tools/vector_line.lua b/technic/tools/vector_line.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 950c93b..0000000
--- a/technic/tools/vector_line.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
-local twolines = {}
-function vector.twoline(x, y)
- local pstr = x.." "..y
- local line = twolines[pstr]
- if line then
- return line
- end
- line = {}
- local n = 1
- local dirx = 1
- if x < 0 then
- dirx = -dirx
- end
- local ymin, ymax = 0, y
- if y < 0 then
- ymin, ymax = ymax, ymin
- end
- local m = y/x --y/0 works too
- local dir = 1
- if m < 0 then
- dir = -dir
- end
- for i = 0,x,dirx do
- local p1 = math.max(math.min(math.floor((i-0.5)*m+0.5), ymax), ymin)
- local p2 = math.max(math.min(math.floor((i+0.5)*m+0.5), ymax), ymin)
- for j = p1,p2,dir do
- line[n] = {i, j}
- n = n+1
- end
- end
- twolines[pstr] = line
- return line
-local threelines = {}
-function vector.threeline(x, y, z)
- local pstr = x.." "..y.." "..z
- local line = threelines[pstr]
- if line then
- return line
- end
- if x ~= math.floor(x) then
- print("[technic] INFO: The position used for vector.threeline isn't round.")
- end
- local two_line = vector.twoline(x, y)
- line = {}
- local n = 1
- local zmin, zmax = 0, z
- if z < 0 then
- zmin, zmax = zmax, zmin
- end
- local m = z/math.hypot(x, y)
- local dir = 1
- if m < 0 then
- dir = -dir
- end
- for _,i in ipairs(two_line) do
- local px, py = unpack(i)
- local ph = math.hypot(px, py)
- local z1 = math.max(math.min(math.floor((ph-0.5)*m+0.5), zmax), zmin)
- local z2 = math.max(math.min(math.floor((ph+0.5)*m+0.5), zmax), zmin)
- for pz = z1,z2,dir do
- line[n] = {px, py, pz}
- n = n+1
- end
- end
- threelines[pstr] = line
- return line
-function vector.line(pos, dir, range)
- if range then --dir = pos2
- dir = vector.round(vector.multiply(dir, range))
- else
- dir = vector.subtract(dir, pos)
- end
- local line,n = {},1
- for _,i in ipairs(vector.threeline(dir.x, dir.y, dir.z)) do
- line[n] = {x=pos.x+i[1], y=pos.y+i[2], z=pos.z+i[3]}
- n = n+1
- end
- return line