path: root/init.lua
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2016-01-12Add items to trash can when thrown instead0.2.04Evergreen4
2016-01-11Made new dumpster nodebox and fixes the issue of it placing into other nodes0.1.14Evergreen4
2016-01-11Moved dumpster from its own file to init.lua0.1.04Evergreen4
2014-08-21Small fix.4Evergreen4
2013-08-24Added dumpster4Evergreen4
2013-06-21Added the ability to throw things inside of the trash can(tanks to Zeg9)4Evergreen4
2013-06-19Added textures for trash can4Evergreen4
2013-06-18Tagged full trash can node as unused4Evergreen4
2013-06-18Initial commit4Evergreen4