local FORMNAME = "xban2:main" local MAXLISTSIZE = 100 local strfind, format = string.find, string.format local ESC = minetest.formspec_escape local function make_list(filter) filter = filter or "" local list, n, dropped = { }, 0, false for k in pairs(minetest.auth_table) do if strfind(k, filter, 1, true) then if n >= MAXLISTSIZE then dropped = true break end n=n+1 list[n] = k end end table.sort(list) return list, dropped end local states = { } local function get_state(name) local state = states[name] if not state then state = { index=1, filter="" } states[name] = state state.list, state.dropped = make_list() end return state end local function get_record_simple(name) local e = xban.find_entry(name) if not e then return nil, ("No entry for `%s'"):format(name) elseif (not e.record) or (#e.record == 0) then return nil, ("`%s' has no ban records"):format(name) end local record = { } for _, rec in ipairs(e.record) do local msg = (os.date("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", rec.time).." | " .. (rec.type or ban).." | " ..(rec.reason or "No reason given.")) table.insert(record, msg) end return record, e.record end local function make_fs(name) local state = get_state(name) local list, filter = state.list, state.filter local pli, ei = state.player_index or 1, state.entry_index or 0 if pli > #list then pli = #list end local fs = { "size[16,12]", "label[0,-.1;Filter]", "field[1.5,0;12.8,1;filter;;"..ESC(filter).."]", "button[14,-.3;2,1;search;Search]", } local fsn = #fs fsn=fsn+1 fs[fsn] = format("textlist[0,.8;4,9.3;player;%s;%d;0]", table.concat(list, ","), pli) local record_name = list[pli] if record_name then local record, e = get_record_simple(record_name) if record then for i, r in ipairs(record) do record[i] = ESC(r) end fsn=fsn+1 fs[fsn] = format( "textlist[4.2,.8;11.7,9.3;entry;%s;%d;0]", table.concat(record, ","), ei) local rec = e[ei] if rec then fsn=fsn+1 fs[fsn] = format("label[0,10.3;%s]", ESC("Source: "..(rec.source or "<none>") .."\nTime: "..os.date("%c", rec.time) .."\n"..(rec.expires and os.date("%c", rec.expires) or "")), pli) end else fsn=fsn+1 fs[fsn] = "textlist[4.2,.8;11.7,9.3;err;"..ESC(e)..";0]" fsn=fsn+1 fs[fsn] = "label[0,10.3;"..ESC(e).."]" end else local e = "No entry matches the query." fsn=fsn+1 fs[fsn] = "textlist[4.2,.8;11.7,9.3;err;"..ESC(e)..";0]" fsn=fsn+1 fs[fsn] = "label[0,10.3;"..ESC(e).."]" end return table.concat(fs) end minetest.register_on_player_receive_fields(function(player, formname, fields) if formname ~= FORMNAME then return end local name = player:get_player_name() if not minetest.check_player_privs(name, { ban=true }) then minetest.log("warning", "[xban2] Received fields from unauthorized user: "..name) return end local state = get_state(name) if fields.player then local t = minetest.explode_textlist_event(fields.player) if (t.type == "CHG") or (t.type == "DCL") then state.player_index = t.index minetest.show_formspec(name, FORMNAME, make_fs(name)) end return end if fields.entry then local t = minetest.explode_textlist_event(fields.entry) if (t.type == "CHG") or (t.type == "DCL") then state.entry_index = t.index minetest.show_formspec(name, FORMNAME, make_fs(name)) end return end if fields.search then local filter = fields.filter or "" state.filter = filter state.list = make_list(filter) minetest.show_formspec(name, FORMNAME, make_fs(name)) end end) minetest.register_chatcommand("xban_gui", { description = "Show XBan GUI", params = "", privs = { ban=true, }, func = function(name, params) minetest.show_formspec(name, FORMNAME, make_fs(name)) end, })