path: root/trainlogic.lua
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Diffstat (limited to 'trainlogic.lua')
1 files changed, 95 insertions, 41 deletions
diff --git a/trainlogic.lua b/trainlogic.lua
index c8c4b9d..71d7086 100644
--- a/trainlogic.lua
+++ b/trainlogic.lua
@@ -3,14 +3,41 @@
local print=function(t, ...) minetest.log("action", table.concat({t, ...}, " ")) minetest.chat_send_all(table.concat({t, ...}, " ")) end
+local benchmark=false
--printbm=function(str, t) print("[advtrains]"..str.." "..((os.clock()-t)*1000).."ms") end
-printbm=function() end
+local bm={}
+local bmlt=0
+local bmsteps=0
+local bmstepint=200
+printbm=function(action, ta)
+ if not benchmark then return end
+ local t=(os.clock()-ta)*1000
+ if not bm[action] then
+ bm[action]=t
+ else
+ bm[action]=bm[action]+t
+ end
+ bmlt=bmlt+t
+function endstep()
+ if not benchmark then return end
+ bmsteps=bmsteps-1
+ if bmsteps<=0 then
+ bmsteps=bmstepint
+ for key, value in pairs(bm) do
+ minetest.chat_send_all(key.." "..(value/bmstepint).." ms avg.")
+ end
+ minetest.chat_send_all("Total time consumed by all advtrains actions per step: "..(bmlt/bmstepint).." ms avg.")
+ bm={}
+ bmlt=0
+ end
advtrains.train_accel_force=2--per second and divided by number of wagons
advtrains.train_brake_force=3--per second, not divided by number of wagons
advtrains.train_emerg_force=10--for emergency brakes(when going off track)
function advtrains.register_train_type(name, drives_on, max_speed)
@@ -127,16 +154,21 @@ minetest.register_globalstep(function(dtime)
advtrains.train_step(k, v, dtime)
printbm("trainsteps", t)
+ endstep()
function advtrains.train_step(id, train, dtime)
--TODO check for all vars to be present
+ if not train.velocity then
+ train.velocity=0
+ end
--very unimportant thing: check if couple is here
if train.couple_eid_front and (not minetest.luaentities[train.couple_eid_front] or not minetest.luaentities[train.couple_eid_front].is_couple) then train.couple_eid_front=nil end
if train.couple_eid_back and (not minetest.luaentities[train.couple_eid_back] or not minetest.luaentities[train.couple_eid_back].is_couple) then train.couple_eid_back=nil end
+ --skip certain things (esp. collision) when not moving
+ local train_moves=train.velocity~=0
--if not train.last_pos then advtrains.trains[id]=nil return end
@@ -170,49 +202,47 @@ function advtrains.train_step(id, train, dtime)
if train.tarvelocity<0 then train.tarvelocity=0 end
- if not train.velocity then
- train.velocity=0
- end
- --check for collisions by finding objects
- --front
- local search_radius=4
- --coupling
- local couple_outward=1
- local posfront=advtrains.get_real_index_position(path, train.index+couple_outward)
- local posback=advtrains.get_real_index_position(path, train_end_index-couple_outward)
- for _,pos in ipairs({posfront, posback}) do
- if pos then
- local objrefs=minetest.get_objects_inside_radius(pos, search_radius)
+ if train_moving then
+ --check for collisions by finding objects
+ --front
+ local search_radius=4
+ --coupling
+ local couple_outward=1
+ local posfront=advtrains.get_real_index_position(path, train.index+couple_outward)
+ local posback=advtrains.get_real_index_position(path, train_end_index-couple_outward)
+ for _,pos in ipairs({posfront, posback}) do
+ if pos then
+ local objrefs=minetest.get_objects_inside_radius(pos, search_radius)
+ for _,v in pairs(objrefs) do
+ local le=v:get_luaentity()
+ if le and le.is_wagon and le.initialized and le.train_id~=id then
+ advtrains.try_connect_trains(id, le.train_id)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ --new train collisions (only search in the direction of the driving train)
+ local coll_search_radius=2
+ local coll_grace=0
+ local collpos
+ if train.velocity>0 then
+ collpos=advtrains.get_real_index_position(path, train.index-coll_grace)
+ elseif train.velocity<0 then
+ collpos=advtrains.get_real_index_position(path, train_end_index+coll_grace)
+ end
+ if collpos then
+ local objrefs=minetest.get_objects_inside_radius(collpos, coll_search_radius)
for _,v in pairs(objrefs) do
local le=v:get_luaentity()
if le and le.is_wagon and le.initialized and le.train_id~=id then
- advtrains.try_connect_trains(id, le.train_id)
+ train.recently_collided_with_env=true
+ train.velocity=-0.5*train.velocity
+ train.tarvelocity=0
- --new train collisions (only search in the direction of the driving train)
- local coll_search_radius=2
- local coll_grace=0
- local collpos
- if train.velocity>0 then
- collpos=advtrains.get_real_index_position(path, train.index-coll_grace)
- elseif train.velocity<0 then
- collpos=advtrains.get_real_index_position(path, train_end_index+coll_grace)
- end
- if collpos then
- local objrefs=minetest.get_objects_inside_radius(collpos, coll_search_radius)
- for _,v in pairs(objrefs) do
- local le=v:get_luaentity()
- if le and le.is_wagon and le.initialized and le.train_id~=id then
- train.recently_collided_with_env=true
- train.velocity=-0.5*train.velocity
- train.tarvelocity=0
- end
- end
- end
--check for any trainpart entities if they have been unloaded. do this only if train is near a player, to not spawn entities into unloaded areas
train.check_trainpartload=(train.check_trainpartload or 0)-dtime
local node_range=(math.max((minetest.setting_get("active_block_range") or 0),1)*16)
@@ -257,14 +287,14 @@ function advtrains.train_step(id, train, dtime)
- train.check_trainpartload=2
+ train.check_trainpartload=10
--handle collided_with_env
if train.recently_collided_with_env then
- if train.velocity==0 then
+ if not train_moving then
train.recently_collided_with_env=false--reset status when stopped
@@ -741,3 +771,27 @@ function advtrains.invalidate_all_paths()
+--not blocking trains group
+function advtrains.train_collides(node)
+ if node and minetest.registered_nodes[] and minetest.registered_nodes[].walkable then
+ if not minetest.registered_nodes[].groups.not_blocking_trains then
+ return true
+ end
+ end
+ return false
+local nonblocknodes={
+ "default:fence_wood",
+ "default:torch",
+ "default:sign_wall",
+ "signs:sign_post",
+minetest.after(0, function()
+ for _,name in ipairs(nonblocknodes) do
+ if minetest.registered_nodes[name] then
+ minetest.registered_nodes[name].groups.not_blocking_trains=1
+ end
+ end