path: root/advtrains
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2017-11-24Do not modify rails that should not be modifiedorwell96
2017-11-24Merge branch 'master' of
2017-11-24Correct yaw to preferred rail direction calculationorwell96
2017-11-23Preserve the player's looking directionorwell96
2017-11-23Add modifiable wagon extentsorwell96
2017-11-22Fix multiple track types not working simultaneouslyorwell96
2017-11-22do not register wagons in the advtrains namespace automaticallyorwell96
2017-11-22Make trackplacer align rails by any tracks, not just by tracks with the same ...orwell96
2017-11-14Do not punch signsorwell96
2017-11-14Fix occasional crash in discouple on_punchorwell96
2017-11-02Fix entity damageorwell96
2017-10-31Change name of the node database group in order to clone node database code i...orwell96
2017-10-25Punch non-player objects when they get overridden by a train.orwell96
2017-10-25Fix subway train placerorwell96
2017-10-25Some workaround fixes for Linuxworks serverorwell96
2017-10-25Implement multi-occupation in detector.on_node table to finally fix collisionsorwell96
2017-10-25Replace many math.floor(x+0.5) calls (or math.floor calls that should be thos...orwell96
2017-10-25Fix coupling and collisions in certain casesorwell96
2017-10-25Moved default train track to separate mod, for integration with advcarts.Gabriel Pérez-Cerezo
2017-10-23Fix last commitorwell96
2017-10-23Fix continous object_property modificationorwell96
2017-10-23Set wagon line numberGabriel Pérez-Cerezo
2017-10-11Prefer saved nodedb node before node loaded from maporwell96
2017-10-11Merge remote-tracking branch 'lemon-melon-repo/master'orwell96
2017-10-11Do not crash when train_pos is nil while checking wagon entity loadingorwell96
2017-10-11Fix error cascade due to inexistent drb_dump when debugging is disabledorwell96
2017-09-20Remove zip release files, move mod to root, exclude assets from Makefile (#92)rubenwardy
2017-08-24Merge PR from mbb - Improve models and texturesMBB
2017-08-15Added command to reroute trainsGabriel Pérez-Cerezo
2017-08-15Fixed #86Gabriel Pérez-Cerezo
2017-07-15Add speed as number in km/h to train hudlemon-melon
2017-07-15Add m/s to km/h helper functionlemon-melon
2017-06-12Add command to throw all players out of trains, fixes #78orwell96
2017-06-08Fix broken door animations caused by continuous set_object_properties() messa...orwell96
2017-06-08lower capacity of freight carsorwell96
2017-06-08Change log level of save_all message to atprint()orwell96
2017-06-08Do not clear the F table when running the init code failsorwell96
2017-06-08Merge pull request #67 from AntumDeluge/settingsorwell96
2017-06-07Check if 'digtron' global exists before calling in condition:AntumDeluge
2017-06-07Replace deprecated methods:AntumDeluge
2017-05-31Add loading/unloading rails (#63)gpcf
2017-05-31Fix still broken ndb restoring, and make sid() honor nil valuesorwell96
2017-05-30Fix detector rails changing to default orientationorwell96
2017-05-30Re-add option for debugging features and add option to disable collisionsorwell96
2017-05-30Fix collision bug (trains driving through each other)orwell96
2017-05-30Re-add debug ring buffer and print its contents on a lua crashorwell96
2017-05-22Fix command + Update zip file - Version 1.8orwell96
2017-05-22Add Digtron compatibilityorwell96
2017-05-22Fix some 'undeclared assignment' warningsorwell96
2017-05-22Fix Syntax Errororwell96