path: root/signs/common.lua
diff options
authorPierre-Yves Rollo <>2015-11-28 20:44:04 +0100
committerPierre-Yves Rollo <>2015-11-28 20:44:04 +0100
commit1b39bf7ae31f0781c65c0a8f9e1d94a37def5f56 (patch)
treeb1ca35fc4238e17eedf782c3b0f631e81d2f7558 /signs/common.lua
parent9b4513bf9ded0ec759431140b59382fea0bc6009 (diff)
Added facedir node support to display_lib, created font_lib, updated mods accordingly
Diffstat (limited to 'signs/common.lua')
1 files changed, 58 insertions, 115 deletions
diff --git a/signs/common.lua b/signs/common.lua
index 7ae420c..24286b9 100644
--- a/signs/common.lua
+++ b/signs/common.lua
@@ -1,120 +1,18 @@
-local font = {}
-signs.font_height = 10
--- Get png width, suposing png width is less than 256 (it is the case for all font textures)
-local function get_png_width(filename)
- local file=assert(,"rb"))
- -- All font png are smaller than 256x256 --> read only last byte
- file:seek("set",19)
- local w = file:read(1)
- file:close()
- return w:byte()
--- Computes line width for a given font height and text
-function signs.get_line_width(text)
- local char
- local width = 0
- for p=1,#text
- do
- char = text:sub(p,p):byte()
- if font[char] then
- width = width + font[char].width
- end
- end
- return width
---- Builds texture part for a text line
--- @param text Text to be rendered
--- @param x Starting x position in texture
--- @param width Width of the texture (extra text is not rendered)
--- @param y Vertical position of the line in texture
--- @return Texture string
-function signs.make_line_texture(text, x, width, y)
- local char
- local texture = ""
- for p=1,#text
- do
- char = text:sub(p,p):byte()
- if font[char] then
- -- Add image only if it is visible (at least partly)
- if x + font[char].width >= 0 and x <= width then
- texture = texture..string.format(":%d,%d=%s", x, y, font[char].filename)
- end
- x = x + font[char].width
- end
- end
- return texture
-local function split_lines(text, maxlines)
- local splits = text:split("\n")
- if maxlines then
- local lines = {}
- for num = 1,maxlines do
- lines[num] = splits[num]
- end
- return lines
- else
- return splits
- end
-function signs.on_display_update(pos, objref)
- local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos)
- local text = meta:get_string("display_text")
- local ndef = minetest.registered_nodes[minetest.get_node(pos).name]
- if ndef and ndef.sign_model then
- local model = signs.sign_models[ndef.sign_model]
- local lines = split_lines(text, model.maxlines)
- local texturew = model.width/model.xscale
- local textureh = model.height/model.yscale
- local texture = ""
- local y
- if model.valing == "top" then
- y = signs.font_height / 2
- else
- y = (textureh - signs.font_height * #lines) / 2 + 1
- end
- for _, line in pairs(lines) do
- texture = texture..signs.make_line_texture(line,
- (texturew - signs.get_line_width(line)) / 2,
- texturew, y)
- y = y + signs.font_height
- end
- local texture = string.format("[combine:%dx%d", texturew, textureh)..texture
- if model.color then texture = texture.."^[colorize:"..model.color end
- objref:set_properties({ textures={texture}, visual_size = {x=model.width, y=model.height}})
- end
function signs.set_formspec(pos)
local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos)
local ndef = minetest.registered_nodes[minetest.get_node(pos).name]
- if ndef and ndef.sign_model then
- local model = signs.sign_models[ndef.sign_model]
+ if ndef and ndef.display_entities and ndef.display_entities["signs:text"] then
+ local maxlines = ndef.display_entities["signs:text"].maxlines
local formspec
- if model.maxlines == 1 then
+ if maxlines == 1 then
formspec = "size[6,3]"..
"field[0.5,0.7;5.5,1;display_text;Displayed text;${display_text}]"..
local extralabel = ""
- if model.maxlines then
- extralabel = " (first "..model.maxlines.." lines only)"
+ if maxlines then
+ extralabel = " (first "..maxlines.." lines only)"
formspec = "size[6,4]"..
@@ -192,14 +90,6 @@ function signs.on_rotate_direction(pos, node, user, mode, new_param2)
--- Populate fonts table
-local w, filename
-for charnum=32,126 do
- filename = string.format("signs_%02x.png", charnum)
- w = get_png_width(signs.path.."/textures/"..filename)
- font[charnum] = {filename=filename, width=w}
-- Generic callback for show_formspec displayed formspecs
minetest.register_on_player_receive_fields(function(player, formname, fields)
local found, _, mod, node_name, pos = formname:find("([%w_]+):([%w_]+)@(.+)")
@@ -214,3 +104,56 @@ minetest.register_on_player_receive_fields(function(player, formname, fields)
+function signs.register_sign(mod, name, model)
+ -- Default fields
+ local fields = {
+ sunlight_propagates = true,
+ paramtype = "light",
+ paramtype2 = "wallmounted",
+ drawtype = "nodebox",
+ node_box = {
+ type = "wallmounted",
+ wall_side = {-0.5, -model.height/2, -model.width/2,
+ -0.5 + model.depth, model.height/2, model.width/2},
+ wall_bottom = {-model.width/2, -0.5, -model.height/2,
+ model.width/2, -0.5 + model.depth, model.height/2},
+ wall_top = {-model.width/2, 0.5, -model.height/2,
+ model.width/2, 0.5 - model.depth, model.height/2},
+ },
+ groups = {choppy=2,dig_immediate=2,attached_node=1},
+ sounds = default.node_sound_defaults(),
+ display_entities = {
+ ["signs:text"] = {
+ on_display_update = font_lib.on_display_update,
+ depth = 0.499 - model.depth,
+ size = { x = 1, y = 1 },
+ resolution = { x = 64, y = 64 },
+ maxlines = 1,
+ },
+ },
+ on_place = display_lib.on_place,
+ on_construct = function(pos)
+ signs.set_formspec(pos)
+ display_lib.on_construct(pos)
+ end,
+ on_destruct = display_lib.on_destruct,
+ on_rotate = display_lib.on_rotate,
+ on_receive_fields = signs.on_receive_fields,
+ }
+ -- Node fields override
+ for key, value in pairs(model.node_fields) do
+ fields[key] = value
+ end
+ if not fields.wield_image then fields.wield_image = fields.inventory_image end
+ -- Entity fields override
+ for key, value in pairs(model.entity_fields) do
+ fields.display_entities["signs:text"][key] = value
+ end
+ minetest.register_node(mod..":", fields)