diff options
authorLNJ <>2017-04-01 19:13:09 +0200
committerLNJ <>2017-04-01 19:13:09 +0200
commiteaec8f74783b3672a18a4a0095994bf99aa9574e (patch)
parentf42c15019a7832f246765c95e9b6472ab37b5e41 (diff)
Add support for pipeworks
5 files changed, 107 insertions, 71 deletions
diff --git a/depends.txt b/depends.txt
index 2180a0a..9d76291 100644..100755
--- a/depends.txt
+++ b/depends.txt
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
diff --git a/init.lua b/init.lua
index 932bb64..d57c353 100755
--- a/init.lua
+++ b/init.lua
@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ SOFTWARE.
drawers = {}
+drawers.drawer_visuals = {}
if default then
drawers.WOOD_SOUNDS = default.node_sound_wood_defaults()
diff --git a/lua/api.lua b/lua/api.lua
index ecda9f2..3789018 100755
--- a/lua/api.lua
+++ b/lua/api.lua
@@ -92,6 +92,14 @@ function drawers.drawer_on_dig(pos, node, player)
+function drawers.drawer_insert_object(pos, node, stack, direction)
+ local drawer_visual = drawers.drawer_visuals[core.serialize(pos)]
+ if not drawer_visual then return stack end
+ local leftover = drawer_visual.try_insert_stack(drawer_visual, stack, true)
+ return leftover
function drawers.register_drawer(name, def)
def.description = def.description or "Drawer"
def.drawtype = "nodebox"
@@ -114,6 +122,18 @@ function drawers.register_drawer(name, def)
def.on_rotate = def.on_rotate or screwdriver.disallow
+ if pipeworks then
+ def.groups.tubedevice = 1
+ def.groups.tubedevice_receiver = 1
+ = or {}
+ = or
+ drawers.drawer_insert_object
+ = {left = 1, right = 1, back = 1, top = 1,
+ bottom = 1}
+ def.after_place_node = pipeworks.after_place
+ def.after_dig_node = pipeworks.after_dig
+ end
core.register_node(name, def)
if (not def.no_craft) and def.material then
diff --git a/lua/helpers.lua b/lua/helpers.lua
index 11263f4..11263f4 100644..100755
--- a/lua/helpers.lua
+++ b/lua/helpers.lua
diff --git a/lua/visual.lua b/lua/visual.lua
index 448ecc5..ccd3dd2 100755
--- a/lua/visual.lua
+++ b/lua/visual.lua
@@ -62,6 +62,12 @@ core.register_entity("drawers:visual", {
self.texture = drawers.last_texture or "drawers_empty.png"
+ -- add self to public drawer visuals
+ -- this is needed because there is no other way to get this class
+ -- only the underlying ObjectRef
+ -- PLEASE contact me, if this is wrong
+ drawers.drawer_visuals[core.serialize(self.drawer_pos)] = self
local node = core.get_node(self.drawer_pos)
@@ -87,77 +93,10 @@ core.register_entity("drawers:visual", {
on_rightclick = function(self, clicker)
- local node = core.get_node(self.drawer_pos)
- local itemstack = clicker:get_wielded_item()
- local add_count = itemstack:get_count()
- local add_name = itemstack:get_name()
- local meta = core.get_meta(self.drawer_pos)
- local name = meta:get_string("name")
- local count = meta:get_int("count")
- local max_count = meta:get_int("max_count")
- local base_stack_max = meta:get_int("base_stack_max")
- local stack_max_factor = meta:get_int("stack_max_factor")
- -- if nothing to be added, return
- if add_count <= 0 then return end
- -- if no itemstring, return
- if item_name == "" then return end
- -- only add one, if player holding sneak key
- if clicker:get_player_control().sneak then
- add_count = 1
- end
- -- if current itemstring is not empty
- if name ~= "" then
- -- check if same item
- if add_name ~= name then return end
- else -- is empty
- name = add_name
- count = 0
- -- get new stack max
- base_stack_max = ItemStack(name):get_stack_max()
- max_count = base_stack_max * stack_max_factor
- -- Don't add items stackable only to 1
- if base_stack_max == 1 then
- return
- end
- meta:set_string("name", name)
- meta:set_int("base_stack_max", base_stack_max)
- meta:set_int("max_count", max_count)
- end
- -- set new counts:
- -- if new count is more than max_count
- if (count + add_count) > max_count then
- count = max_count
- itemstack:set_count((count + add_count) - max_count)
- else -- new count fits
- count = count + add_count
- itemstack:set_count(itemstack:get_count() - add_count)
- end
- -- set new drawer count
- meta:set_int("count", count)
- -- update infotext
- local infotext = drawers.gen_info_text(core.registered_items[name].description,
- count, stack_max_factor, base_stack_max)
- meta:set_string("entity_infotext", infotext)
- -- texture
- self.texture = drawers.get_inv_image(name)
- self.object:set_properties({
- infotext = infotext .. "\n\n\n\n\n",
- textures = {self.texture}
- })
+ local leftover = self.try_insert_stack(self, clicker:get_wielded_item(),
+ not clicker:get_player_control().sneak)
- clicker:set_wielded_item(itemstack)
+ clicker:set_wielded_item(leftover)
on_punch = function(self, puncher, time_from_last_punch, tool_capabilities, dir)
@@ -209,6 +148,81 @@ core.register_entity("drawers:visual", {
infotext = infotext .. "\n\n\n\n\n",
textures = {self.texture}
+ end,
+ try_insert_stack = function(self, itemstack, insert_stack)
+ local node = core.get_node(self.drawer_pos)
+ local stackCount = itemstack:get_count()
+ local stackName = itemstack:get_name()
+ local meta = core.get_meta(self.drawer_pos)
+ local dName = meta:get_string("name")
+ local dCount = meta:get_int("count")
+ local dMaxCount = meta:get_int("max_count")
+ local dStackMax = meta:get_int("base_stack_max")
+ local dStackMaxFactor = meta:get_int("stack_max_factor")
+ -- if nothing to be added, return
+ if stackCount <= 0 then return itemstack end
+ -- if no itemstring, return
+ if stackName == "" then return itemstack end
+ -- only add one, if player holding sneak key
+ if not insert_stack then
+ stackCount = 1
+ end
+ -- if current itemstring is not empty
+ if dName ~= "" then
+ -- check if same item
+ if stackName ~= dName then return itemstack end
+ else -- is empty
+ dName = stackName
+ dCount = 0
+ -- get new stack max
+ dStackMax = ItemStack(dName):get_stack_max()
+ dMaxCount = dStackMax * dStackMaxFactor
+ -- Don't add items stackable only to 1
+ if dStackMax == 1 then
+ return itemstack
+ end
+ meta:set_string("name", stackName)
+ meta:set_int("base_stack_max", dStackMax)
+ meta:set_int("max_count", dStackMaxFactor)
+ end
+ -- set new counts:
+ -- if new count is more than max_count
+ if (dCount + stackCount) > dMaxCount then
+ dCount = dMaxCount
+ itemstack:set_count((dCount + stackCount) - dMaxCount)
+ else -- new count fits
+ dCount = dCount + stackCount
+ -- this is for only removing one
+ itemstack:set_count(itemstack:get_count() - stackCount)
+ end
+ -- set new drawer count
+ meta:set_int("count", dCount)
+ -- update infotext
+ local infotext = drawers.gen_info_text(core.registered_items[dName].description,
+ dCount, dStackMaxFactor, dStackMax)
+ meta:set_string("entity_infotext", infotext)
+ -- texture
+ self.texture = drawers.get_inv_image(dName)
+ self.object:set_properties({
+ infotext = infotext .. "\n\n\n\n\n",
+ textures = {self.texture}
+ })
+ if itemstack:get_count() == 0 then itemstack = ItemStack("") end
+ return itemstack