path: root/lua
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2017-10-27Removed empty lineGabriel Pérez-Cerezo
2017-10-26Add function for pipeworks can_insert, so items don't attempt to enter a draw...Gabriel Pérez-Cerezo
2017-10-15Honor protection with drawer upgradesGabriel Pérez-Cerezo
2017-10-08Honor protectionGabriel Pérez-Cerezo
2017-06-03Set formspec on every load to support old drawersLNJ
2017-06-03Add Drawer Upgradesorigin/drawer-upgradesLNJ
2017-06-03Play interact sound on adding/removing items from drawerLNJ
2017-04-23Fix stack_max=1 items are being storedLNJ
2017-04-14Fix inventory cubes; using fitting tiles nowLNJ
2017-04-14Add drawers in all wood typesLNJ
2017-04-11Fix "Could not load 'drawers_empty.png'"LNJ
2017-04-11Add i18n support using intllibLNJ
2017-04-10Use blank.png instead of own drawers_empty.pngLNJ
2017-04-10Make entities selectable in latest dev buildFaceDeer
2017-04-10Fix "uninitialized global variable" warningsFaceDeer
2017-04-09Make 1x1, 1x2 and 2x2 drawers disableableLNJ
2017-04-05Add 1x2 drawers, Add crafting recipes for 1x2 and 2x2LNJ
2017-04-05Change descriptions to use plural for 2x2 drawersLNJ
2017-04-05Adjust pipeworks support (on insert object) for 2x2 drawersLNJ
2017-04-05Fix drawer initialization bug; used wrong meta fields for 1x1 DrawersLNJ
2017-04-05Adjust restore visual lbm, Add new drawers.remove_visualsLNJ
2017-04-05Randomize drop posLNJ
2017-04-05Adapt drop function for 2x2 drawers to drop *all* itemsLNJ
2017-04-05Add basic 2x2 DrawersLNJ
2017-04-01Visual: Fix not resetting self.namev0.2.2LNJ
2017-04-01Fix infotext is displaying "0 Empty (0% full)"v0.2.1LNJ
2017-04-01New infotext format with percentLNJ
2017-04-01Fix bug: not removing items from stack if drawer is nearly fullLNJ
2017-04-01Clean up visual.luaLNJ
2017-04-01Add support for pipeworksLNJ
2017-04-01Split up source code into multiple filesLNJ