path: root/fishing.lua
diff options
authortenplus1 <>2014-11-09 19:17:41 +0000
committertenplus1 <>2014-11-09 19:17:41 +0000
commitc4d4e229f7d63959508e4505099a7fca5ca87534 (patch)
tree55e1164fae6d4876bc7ef5468186384f21ee12f6 /fishing.lua
First Commit by TenPlus1
Diffstat (limited to 'fishing.lua')
1 files changed, 99 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/fishing.lua b/fishing.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7ac3bdc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fishing.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+-- Raw Fish (Thanks to Altairas for her Fish image on DeviantArt)
+minetest.register_craftitem("ethereal:fish_raw", {
+ description = "Raw Fish",
+ inventory_image = "fish_raw.png",
+ on_use = minetest.item_eat(2),
+-- Cooked Fish
+minetest.register_craftitem("ethereal:fish_cooked", {
+ description = "Cooked Fish",
+ inventory_image = "fish_cooked.png",
+ on_use = minetest.item_eat(5),
+-- Sashimi (Thanks to Natalia Grosner for letting me use the sashimi image)
+minetest.register_craftitem("ethereal:sashimi", {
+ description = "Sashimi",
+ inventory_image = "sashimi.png",
+ on_use = minetest.item_eat(4),
+ output = "ethereal:sashimi 2",
+ recipe = {
+ {'ethereal:seaweed','ethereal:fish_raw','ethereal:seaweed'},
+ }
+-- Worm
+minetest.register_craftitem("ethereal:worm", {
+ description = "Worm",
+ inventory_image = "worm.png",
+-- Fishing Rod
+minetest.register_craftitem("ethereal:fishing_rod", {
+ description = "Fishing Rod",
+ inventory_image = "fishing_rod.png",
+ stack_max = 1,
+ liquids_pointable = true,
+-- Fishing Rod (Baited)
+minetest.register_craftitem("ethereal:fishing_rod_baited", {
+ description = "Baited Fishing Rod",
+ inventory_image = "fishing_rod_baited.png",
+ wield_image = "fishing_rod_wield.png",
+ stack_max = 1,
+ liquids_pointable = true,
+ on_use = function (itemstack, user, pointed_thing)
+ if pointed_thing and pointed_thing.under then
+ local node = minetest.env:get_node(pointed_thing.under)
+ if string.find(, "default:water_source") then
+ if math.random(1, 100) < 5 then
+ local inv = user:get_inventory()
+ if inv:room_for_item("main", {name="ethereal:fish_raw"}) then
+ inv:add_item("main", {name="ethereal:fish_raw"})
+ return {name="ethereal:fishing_rod"}
+ else
+ minetest.chat_send_player(user:get_player_name(), "Your Fish Got Away! Inventory Too Full")
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end,
+-- Fishing Rod
+ output = "ethereal:fishing_rod",
+ recipe = {
+ {"","","default:stick"},
+ {"", "default:stick", "farming:string"},
+ {"default:stick", "", "farming:string"},
+ }
+-- Sift through 2 Dirt Blocks to find Worm
+ output = "ethereal:worm",
+ recipe = {
+ {"default:dirt","default:dirt"},
+ }
+-- Cooking Fish
+ type = "cooking",
+ output = "ethereal:fish_cooked",
+ recipe = "ethereal:fish_raw",
+ cooktime = 2,
+-- Baiting Fishing Rod
+ type = "shapeless",
+ output = "ethereal:fishing_rod_baited",
+ recipe = {"ethereal:fishing_rod", "ethereal:worm"},