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1 files changed, 47 insertions, 25 deletions
diff --git a/init.lua b/init.lua
index c6e3733..8d4d7cc 100644
--- a/init.lua
+++ b/init.lua
@@ -522,40 +522,62 @@ doc.new_category("nodes", {
formstring = formstring .. "This block will randomly drop up to "..max.." drops of the following possible drops when mined: "
- local remaining_rarity = 1
-- Save calculated probabilities into a table for later output
local probtables = {}
local probtable
+ local rarity_history = {}
for i=1,#data.def.drop.items do
- local rarity = data.def.drop.items[i].rarity
- if rarity == nil then
- if max ~= nil then
- rarity = remaining_rarity
- else
- rarity = 1
- end
+ local local_rarity = data.def.drop.items[i].rarity
+ local chance = 1
+ local rarity = 1
+ if local_rarity == nil then
+ local_rarity = 1
- probtable = {}
- probtable.items = {}
- for j=1,#data.def.drop.items[i].items do
- local dropstack = ItemStack(data.def.drop.items[i].items[j])
- local itemstring = dropstack:get_name()
- local desc = get_desc(dropstack)
- local count = dropstack:get_count()
- if not(itemstring == nil or itemstring == "" or count == 0) then
- if probtable.items[itemstring] == nil then
- probtable.items[itemstring] = {desc = desc, count = count}
+ if max == 1 then
+ -- Chained probability
+ table.insert(rarity_history, local_rarity)
+ chance = 1
+ for r=1, #rarity_history do
+ local chance_factor
+ if r > 1 and rarity_history[r-1] == 1 then
+ chance = 0
+ break
+ end
+ if r == #rarity_history then
+ chance_factor = 1/rarity_history[r]
- probtable.items[itemstring].count = probtable.items[itemstring].count + count
+ chance_factor = (rarity_history[r]-1)/rarity_history[r]
+ chance = chance * chance_factor
+ if chance > 0 then
+ rarity = 1/chance
+ end
+ else
+ rarity = local_rarity
+ chance = 1/rarity
- probtable.rarity = rarity
- if #data.def.drop.items[i].items > 0 then
- table.insert(probtables, probtable)
- end
- if max ~= nil then
- remaining_rarity = 1/(1/remaining_rarity - 1/rarity)
+ -- Exclude impossible drops
+ if chance > 0 then
+ probtable = {}
+ probtable.items = {}
+ for j=1,#data.def.drop.items[i].items do
+ local dropstack = ItemStack(data.def.drop.items[i].items[j])
+ local itemstring = dropstack:get_name()
+ local desc = get_desc(dropstack)
+ local count = dropstack:get_count()
+ if not(itemstring == nil or itemstring == "" or count == 0) then
+ if probtable.items[itemstring] == nil then
+ probtable.items[itemstring] = {desc = desc, count = count}
+ else
+ probtable.items[itemstring].count = probtable.items[itemstring].count + count
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ probtable.rarity = rarity
+ if #data.def.drop.items[i].items > 0 then
+ table.insert(probtables, probtable)
+ end
-- Do some cleanup of the probability table