path: root/init.lua
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'init.lua')
1 files changed, 181 insertions, 138 deletions
diff --git a/init.lua b/init.lua
index d221176..1776fdf 100644
--- a/init.lua
+++ b/init.lua
@@ -42,6 +42,10 @@ local suppressed = {
["ignore"] = true,
+-- This table contains which of the builtin factoids must NOT be displayed because
+-- they have been disabled by a mod
+local forbidden_core_factoids = {}
-- Helper functions
local yesno = function(bool)
if bool==true then return S("Yes")
@@ -152,6 +156,10 @@ end
* Damage groups
local factoid_toolcaps = function(tool_capabilities, check_uses)
+ if forbidden_core_factoids.tool_capabilities then
+ return ""
+ end
local formstring = ""
if check_uses == nil then check_uses = false end
if tool_capabilities ~= nil and tool_capabilities ~= {} then
@@ -284,6 +292,10 @@ end
- level group
local factoid_mining_node = function(data)
+ if forbidden_core_factoids.node_mining then
+ return ""
+ end
local datastring = ""
if data.def.pointable ~= false and (data.def.liquid_type == "none" or data.def.liquid_type == nil) then
-- Check if there are no mining groups at all
@@ -362,6 +374,10 @@ end
-- Smelting fuel factoid
local factoid_fuel = function(itemstring, ctype)
+ if forbidden_core_factoids.fuel then
+ return ""
+ end
local formstring = ""
local result, decremented = minetest.get_craft_result({method = "fuel", items = {itemstring}})
if result ~= nil and result.time > 0 then
@@ -386,6 +402,10 @@ end
-- Shows the itemstring of an item
local factoid_itemstring = function(itemstring, playername)
+ if forbidden_core_factoids.itemstring then
+ return ""
+ end
local privs = minetest.get_player_privs(playername)
if doc.sub.items.settings.itemstring or (privs.give or privs.debug) then
return S("Itemstring: \"@1\"", itemstring)
@@ -440,45 +460,49 @@ end
-- Shows core information shared by all items, to be inserted at the top
local factoids_header = function(data, ctype)
- local longdesc = data.longdesc
- local usagehelp = data.usagehelp
local datastring = ""
- if longdesc ~= nil then
- datastring = datastring .. S("Description: @1", longdesc)
- datastring = newline2(datastring)
- end
- if usagehelp ~= nil then
- datastring = datastring .. S("Usage help: @1", usagehelp)
+ if not forbidden_core_factoids.basics then
+ local longdesc = data.longdesc
+ local usagehelp = data.usagehelp
+ if longdesc ~= nil then
+ datastring = datastring .. S("Description: @1", longdesc)
+ datastring = newline2(datastring)
+ end
+ if usagehelp ~= nil then
+ datastring = datastring .. S("Usage help: @1", usagehelp)
+ datastring = newline2(datastring)
+ end
+ datastring = datastring .. factoid_custom(ctype, "use", data)
datastring = newline2(datastring)
- end
- datastring = datastring .. factoid_custom(ctype, "use", data)
- datastring = newline2(datastring)
- if data.itemstring ~= "" then
- datastring = datastring .. S("Maximum stack size: @1", data.def.stack_max)
- datastring = newline(datastring)
- end
- datastring = datastring .. range_factoid(data.itemstring, data.def)
+ if data.itemstring ~= "" then
+ datastring = datastring .. S("Maximum stack size: @1", data.def.stack_max)
+ datastring = newline(datastring)
+ end
+ datastring = datastring .. range_factoid(data.itemstring, data.def)
- datastring = newline2(datastring)
+ datastring = newline2(datastring)
- if data.def.liquids_pointable == true then
- if ctype == "nodes" then
- datastring = datastring .. S("This block points to liquids.").."\n"
- elseif ctype == "tools" then
- datastring = datastring .. S("This tool points to liquids.").."\n"
- elseif ctype == "craftitems" then
- datastring = datastring .. S("This item points to liquids.").."\n"
+ if data.def.liquids_pointable == true then
+ if ctype == "nodes" then
+ datastring = datastring .. S("This block points to liquids.").."\n"
+ elseif ctype == "tools" then
+ datastring = datastring .. S("This tool points to liquids.").."\n"
+ elseif ctype == "craftitems" then
+ datastring = datastring .. S("This item points to liquids.").."\n"
+ end
- end
- if data.def.on_use ~= nil then
- if ctype == "nodes" then
- datastring = datastring .. S("Punches with this block don't work as usual; melee combat and mining are either not possible or work differently.").."\n"
- elseif ctype == "tools" then
- datastring = datastring .. S("Punches with this tool don't work as usual; melee combat and mining are either not possible or work differently.").."\n"
- elseif ctype == "craftitems" then
- datastring = datastring .. S("Punches with this item don't work as usual; melee combat and mining are either not possible or work differently.").."\n"
+ if data.def.on_use ~= nil then
+ if ctype == "nodes" then
+ datastring = datastring .. S("Punches with this block don't work as usual; melee combat and mining are either not possible or work differently.").."\n"
+ elseif ctype == "tools" then
+ datastring = datastring .. S("Punches with this tool don't work as usual; melee combat and mining are either not possible or work differently.").."\n"
+ elseif ctype == "craftitems" then
+ datastring = datastring .. S("Punches with this item don't work as usual; melee combat and mining are either not possible or work differently.").."\n"
+ end
datastring = newline(datastring)
@@ -501,23 +525,25 @@ local factoids_footer = function(data, playername, ctype)
datastring = newline2(datastring)
-- Show other “exposable” groups
- local gstring, gcount = groups_to_string(data.def.groups, miscgroups)
- if gstring ~= nil then
- if gcount == 1 then
- if ctype == "nodes" then
- datastring = datastring .. S("This block belongs to the @1 group.", gstring) .. "\n"
- elseif ctype == "tools" then
- datastring = datastring .. S("This tool belongs to the @1 group.", gstring) .. "\n"
- elseif ctype == "craftitems" then
- datastring = datastring .. S("This item belongs to the @1 group.", gstring) .. "\n"
- end
- else
- if ctype == "nodes" then
- datastring = datastring .. S("This block belongs to these groups: @1.", gstring) .. "\n"
- elseif ctype == "tools" then
- datastring = datastring .. S("This tool belongs to these groups: @1.", gstring) .. "\n"
- elseif ctype == "craftitems" then
- datastring = datastring .. S("This item belongs to these groups: @1.", gstring) .. "\n"
+ if not forbidden_core_factoids.groups then
+ local gstring, gcount = groups_to_string(data.def.groups, miscgroups)
+ if gstring ~= nil then
+ if gcount == 1 then
+ if ctype == "nodes" then
+ datastring = datastring .. S("This block belongs to the @1 group.", gstring) .. "\n"
+ elseif ctype == "tools" then
+ datastring = datastring .. S("This tool belongs to the @1 group.", gstring) .. "\n"
+ elseif ctype == "craftitems" then
+ datastring = datastring .. S("This item belongs to the @1 group.", gstring) .. "\n"
+ end
+ else
+ if ctype == "nodes" then
+ datastring = datastring .. S("This block belongs to these groups: @1.", gstring) .. "\n"
+ elseif ctype == "tools" then
+ datastring = datastring .. S("This tool belongs to these groups: @1.", gstring) .. "\n"
+ elseif ctype == "craftitems" then
+ datastring = datastring .. S("This item belongs to these groups: @1.", gstring) .. "\n"
+ end
@@ -550,6 +576,10 @@ function doc.sub.items.register_factoid(category_id, factoid_type, factoid_gener
+function doc.sub.items.disable_core_factoid(factoid_name)
+ forbidden_core_factoids[factoid_name] = true
doc.add_category("nodes", {
hide_entries_by_default = true,
name = S("Blocks"),
@@ -562,18 +592,20 @@ doc.add_category("nodes", {
formstring = entry_image(data)
datastring = factoids_header(data, "nodes")
- datastring = datastring .. S("Collidable: @1", yesno(data.def.walkable)) .. "\n"
- local liquid
- if data.def.liquidtype ~= "none" then liquid = true else liquid = false end
- if data.def.pointable == true then
- datastring = datastring .. S("Pointable: Yes") .. "\n"
- elseif liquid then
- datastring = datastring .. S("Pointable: Only by special items") .. "\n"
- else
- datastring = datastring .. S("Pointable: No") .. "\n"
+ if not forbidden_core_factoids.basics then
+ datastring = datastring .. S("Collidable: @1", yesno(data.def.walkable)) .. "\n"
+ local liquid
+ if data.def.liquidtype ~= "none" then liquid = true else liquid = false end
+ if data.def.pointable == true then
+ datastring = datastring .. S("Pointable: Yes") .. "\n"
+ elseif liquid then
+ datastring = datastring .. S("Pointable: Only by special items") .. "\n"
+ else
+ datastring = datastring .. S("Pointable: No") .. "\n"
+ end
datastring = newline2(datastring)
- if liquid then
+ if not forbidden_core_factoids.liquid and liquid then
datastring = newline(datastring, false)
datastring = datastring .. S("This block is a liquid with these properties:") .. "\n"
local range, renew, viscos
@@ -597,72 +629,78 @@ doc.add_category("nodes", {
-- Global factoids
--- Direct interaction with the player
---- Damage (very important)
- if data.def.damage_per_second ~= nil and data.def.damage_per_second > 1 then
- datastring = datastring .. S("This block causes a damage of @1 hit points per second.", data.def.damage_per_second) .. "\n"
- elseif data.def.damage_per_second == 1 then
- datastring = datastring .. S("This block causes a damage of @1 hit point per second.", data.def.damage_per_second) .. "\n"
- end
- if data.def.drowning then
- if data.def.drowning > 1 then
- datastring = datastring .. S("This block decreases your breath and causes a drowning damage of @1 hit points every 2 seconds.", data.def.drowning) .. "\n"
- elseif data.def.drowning == 1 then
- datastring = datastring .. S("This block decreases your breath and causes a drowning damage of @1 hit point every 2 seconds.", data.def.drowning) .. "\n"
+ if not forbidden_core_factoids.node_damage then
+ if data.def.damage_per_second ~= nil and data.def.damage_per_second > 1 then
+ datastring = datastring .. S("This block causes a damage of @1 hit points per second.", data.def.damage_per_second) .. "\n"
+ elseif data.def.damage_per_second == 1 then
+ datastring = datastring .. S("This block causes a damage of @1 hit point per second.", data.def.damage_per_second) .. "\n"
- end
- local fdap = data.def.groups.fall_damage_add_percent
- if fdap ~= nil then
- if fdap > 0 then
- datastring = datastring .. S("The fall damage on this block is increased by @1%.", fdap) .. "\n"
- elseif fdap <= -100 then
- datastring = datastring .. S("This block negates all fall damage.") .. "\n"
- else
- datastring = datastring .. S("The fall damage on this block is reduced by @1%.", math.abs(fdap)) .. "\n"
+ if data.def.drowning then
+ if data.def.drowning > 1 then
+ datastring = datastring .. S("This block decreases your breath and causes a drowning damage of @1 hit points every 2 seconds.", data.def.drowning) .. "\n"
+ elseif data.def.drowning == 1 then
+ datastring = datastring .. S("This block decreases your breath and causes a drowning damage of @1 hit point every 2 seconds.", data.def.drowning) .. "\n"
+ end
+ end
+ local fdap = data.def.groups.fall_damage_add_percent
+ if fdap ~= nil then
+ if fdap > 0 then
+ datastring = datastring .. S("The fall damage on this block is increased by @1%.", fdap) .. "\n"
+ elseif fdap <= -100 then
+ datastring = datastring .. S("This block negates all fall damage.") .. "\n"
+ else
+ datastring = datastring .. S("The fall damage on this block is reduced by @1%.", math.abs(fdap)) .. "\n"
+ end
datastring = datastring .. factoid_custom("nodes", "damage", data)
datastring = newline2(datastring)
---- Movement
- if data.def.groups.disable_jump == 1 then
- datastring = datastring .. S("You can not jump while standing on this block.").."\n"
- end
- if data.def.climbable == true then
- datastring = datastring .. S("This block can be climbed.").."\n"
- end
- local bouncy = data.def.groups.bouncy
- if bouncy ~= nil then
- datastring = datastring .. S("This block will make you bounce off with an elasticity of @1%.", bouncy).."\n"
+ if forbidden_core_factoids.node_movement then
+ if data.def.groups.disable_jump == 1 then
+ datastring = datastring .. S("You can not jump while standing on this block.").."\n"
+ end
+ if data.def.climbable == true then
+ datastring = datastring .. S("This block can be climbed.").."\n"
+ end
+ local bouncy = data.def.groups.bouncy
+ if bouncy ~= nil then
+ datastring = datastring .. S("This block will make you bounce off with an elasticity of @1%.", bouncy).."\n"
+ end
+ datastring = datastring .. factoid_custom("nodes", "movement", data)
+ datastring = newline2(datastring)
- datastring = datastring .. factoid_custom("nodes", "movement", data)
- datastring = newline2(datastring)
---- Sounds
- local function is_silent(def, soundtype)
- return type(def.sounds) ~= "table" or def.sounds[soundtype] == nil or def.sounds[soundtype] == "" or (type(data.def.sounds[soundtype]) == "table" and (data.def.sounds[soundtype].name == nil or data.def.sounds[soundtype].name == ""))
- end
- local silentstep, silentdig, silentplace = false, false, false
- if data.def.walkable and is_silent(data.def, "footstep") then
- silentstep = true
- end
- if data.def.diggable and is_silent(data.def, "dig") and is_silent(data.def, "dug") then
- silentdig = true
- end
- if is_silent(data.def, "place") and is_silent(data.def, "place_failed") and data.itemstring ~= "air" then
- silentplace = true
- end
- if silentstep and silentdig and silentplace then
- datastring = datastring .. S("This block is completely silent when walked on, mined or built.").."\n"
- elseif silentdig and silentplace then
- datastring = datastring .. S("This block is completely silent when mined or built.").."\n"
- else
- if silentstep then
- datastring = datastring .. S("Walking on this block is completely silent.").."\n"
+ if not forbidden_core_factoids.sounds then
+ local function is_silent(def, soundtype)
+ return type(def.sounds) ~= "table" or def.sounds[soundtype] == nil or def.sounds[soundtype] == "" or (type(data.def.sounds[soundtype]) == "table" and (data.def.sounds[soundtype].name == nil or data.def.sounds[soundtype].name == ""))
- if silentdig then
- datastring = datastring .. S("Mining this block is completely silent.").."\n"
+ local silentstep, silentdig, silentplace = false, false, false
+ if data.def.walkable and is_silent(data.def, "footstep") then
+ silentstep = true
- if silentplace then
- datastring = datastring .. S("Building this block is completely silent.").."\n"
+ if data.def.diggable and is_silent(data.def, "dig") and is_silent(data.def, "dug") then
+ silentdig = true
+ end
+ if is_silent(data.def, "place") and is_silent(data.def, "place_failed") and data.itemstring ~= "air" then
+ silentplace = true
+ end
+ if silentstep and silentdig and silentplace then
+ datastring = datastring .. S("This block is completely silent when walked on, mined or built.").."\n"
+ elseif silentdig and silentplace then
+ datastring = datastring .. S("This block is completely silent when mined or built.").."\n"
+ else
+ if silentstep then
+ datastring = datastring .. S("Walking on this block is completely silent.").."\n"
+ end
+ if silentdig then
+ datastring = datastring .. S("Mining this block is completely silent.").."\n"
+ end
+ if silentplace then
+ datastring = datastring .. S("Building this block is completely silent.").."\n"
+ end
datastring = datastring .. factoid_custom("nodes", "sound", data)
@@ -670,42 +708,46 @@ doc.add_category("nodes", {
-- Block activity
--- Gravity
- if data.def.groups.falling_node == 1 then
- datastring = datastring .. S("This block is affected by gravity and can fall.").."\n"
+ if not forbidden_core_factoids.gravity then
+ if data.def.groups.falling_node == 1 then
+ datastring = datastring .. S("This block is affected by gravity and can fall.").."\n"
+ end
datastring = datastring .. factoid_custom("nodes", "gravity", data)
datastring = newline2(datastring)
--- Dropping and destruction
- if data.def.buildable_to == true then
- datastring = datastring .. S("Building another block at this block will place it inside and replace it.").."\n"
- if data.def.walkable then
- datastring = datastring .. S("Falling blocks can go through this block; they destroy it when doing so.").."\n"
+ if not forbidden_core_factoids.drop_destroy then
+ if data.def.buildable_to == true then
+ datastring = datastring .. S("Building another block at this block will place it inside and replace it.").."\n"
+ if data.def.walkable then
+ datastring = datastring .. S("Falling blocks can go through this block; they destroy it when doing so.").."\n"
+ end
- end
- if data.def.walkable == false then
- if data.def.buildable_to == false and data.def.drop ~= "" then
- datastring = datastring .. S("This block will drop as an item when a falling block ends up inside it.").."\n"
- else
- datastring = datastring .. S("This block is destroyed when a falling block ends up inside it.").."\n"
+ if data.def.walkable == false then
+ if data.def.buildable_to == false and data.def.drop ~= "" then
+ datastring = datastring .. S("This block will drop as an item when a falling block ends up inside it.").."\n"
+ else
+ datastring = datastring .. S("This block is destroyed when a falling block ends up inside it.").."\n"
+ end
- end
- if data.def.groups.attached_node == 1 then
- if data.def.paramtype2 == "wallmounted" then
- datastring = datastring .. S("This block will drop as an item when it is not attached to a surrounding block.").."\n"
- else
- datastring = datastring .. S("This block will drop as an item when no collidable block is below it.").."\n"
+ if data.def.groups.attached_node == 1 then
+ if data.def.paramtype2 == "wallmounted" then
+ datastring = datastring .. S("This block will drop as an item when it is not attached to a surrounding block.").."\n"
+ else
+ datastring = datastring .. S("This block will drop as an item when no collidable block is below it.").."\n"
+ end
+ end
+ if data.def.floodable == true then
+ datastring = datastring .. S("Liquids can flow into this block and destroy it.").."\n"
- end
- if data.def.floodable == true then
- datastring = datastring .. S("Liquids can flow into this block and destroy it.").."\n"
datastring = datastring .. factoid_custom("nodes", "drop_destroy", data)
datastring = newline2(datastring)
-- Block appearance
--- Light
- if data.def.light_source then
+ if not forbidden_core_factoids.light and data.def.light_source then
if data.def.light_source > 3 then
datastring = datastring .. S("This block is a light source with a light level of @1.", data.def.light_source).."\n"
elseif data.def.light_source > 0 then
@@ -723,7 +765,7 @@ doc.add_category("nodes", {
datastring = newline2(datastring)
--- List nodes/groups to which this node connects to
- if data.def.connects_to ~= nil then
+ if not forbidden_core_factoids.connects_to and data.def.connects_to ~= nil then
local nodes = {}
local groups = {}
for c=1,#data.def.connects_to do
@@ -777,7 +819,7 @@ doc.add_category("nodes", {
datastring = newline2(datastring)
-- Non-default drops
- if data.def.drop ~= nil and data.def.drop ~= data.itemstring and data.itemstring ~= "air" then
+ if not forbidden_core_factoids.drops and data.def.drop ~= nil and data.def.drop ~= data.itemstring and data.itemstring ~= "air" then
-- TODO: Calculate drop probabilities of max > 1 like for max == 1
local get_desc = function(stack)
return description_for_formspec(stack:get_name())
@@ -929,8 +971,9 @@ doc.add_category("nodes", {
datastring = newline(datastring)
+ datastring = datastring .. factoid_custom("nodes", "drops", data)
datastring = newline2(datastring)
datastring = datastring .. factoids_footer(data, playername, "nodes")
formstring = formstring .. doc.widgets.text(datastring, nil, nil, doc.FORMSPEC.ENTRY_WIDTH - 1.2)