diff options
authorWuzzy <>2016-12-28 01:49:12 +0100
committerWuzzy <>2016-12-28 01:49:12 +0100
commitfeca8357e5226bc309945c490be64ad21c7cd847 (patch)
parent28faf4487db557794ec2714acea0903af3d3174e (diff)
Clarify help for powerrails
1 files changed, 1 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/helptexts.lua b/helptexts.lua
index 2aca172..1c48821 100644
--- a/helptexts.lua
+++ b/helptexts.lua
@@ -175,7 +175,7 @@ local export_longdesc = {
["default:dry_shrub"] = S("An unremarkable dead plant which is common in deserts and snowy biomes. Small plants which are members of the @1 group placed on desert sand will sooner or later turn into dry shrubs.", groupname_flora),
["default:rail"] = S("Rails can be used to build transport tracks for carts. Normal rails slightly slow down carts due to friction."),
- ["carts:powerrail"] = S("Rails can be used to build transport tracks for carts. Powered rails will accelerate any cart which runs on it, up to a maximum speed."),
+ ["carts:powerrail"] = S("Rails can be used to build transport tracks for carts. Powered rails will accelerate moving carts, up to a maximum speed."),
["carts:brakerail"] = S("Rails can be used to build transport tracks for carts. Brake rails will heavily slow down carts, much more than normal rails."),
["default:ladder_wood"] = ladderdesc,
["default:ladder_steel"] = ladderdesc,