BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
masterreplace newer chicken sounds with more suitable one's, add luckyblocksTenPlus16 years
origin/HEADadd glass of milk and craft recipesTenPlus16 years
origin/masteradd glass of milk and craft recipesTenPlus16 years
20181016commit 604febe2a1...TenPlus16 years
mobs_animalcommit b6f81c4aba...TenPlus16 years
AgeCommit messageAuthor
2018-09-14cow, sheep, warthog now pushablemobs_animalTenPlus1
2018-09-14when milking cow take bucket from stack in hand onlyTenPlus1
2018-09-04update kitty sittyTenPlus1
2018-09-01add mobs_hairball switch (false to disable)TenPlus1
2018-08-31tweaked hairball itemsTenPlus1
2018-08-31changed random value for hairballsTenPlus1
2018-08-31tweaked kitten, added hairball itemTenPlus1
2018-08-16limit honey amount per hiveTenPlus1
2018-08-16slow down honey production in hivesTenPlus1
2018-08-03panda is more docile, add additional animationsTenPlus1