path: root/api.lua
diff options
authorTenPlus1 <>2017-07-08 21:11:22 +0100
committerTenPlus1 <>2017-07-08 21:11:22 +0100
commit7e092817603ecc4e0992fd009cd8d64c82952a80 (patch)
tree321c44b5f945bae5a6f865ff82acdd0bce967785 /api.lua
parent7dc2d22ef6fa40e9f9d9172f242962efd36fb484 (diff)
use tnt.boom() function instead of mobs:explosion
Diffstat (limited to 'api.lua')
1 files changed, 6 insertions, 115 deletions
diff --git a/api.lua b/api.lua
index 6254355..ac7d5fe 100644
--- a/api.lua
+++ b/api.lua
@@ -1683,33 +1683,21 @@ local do_states = function(self, dtime)
local pos = self.object:getpos()
local radius = self.explosion_radius or 1
- local fire = self.explosion_fire or 1
- local smoke = self.explosion_smoke or 1
+ local damage_radius = radius
-- dont damage anything if area protected or next to water
if minetest.find_node_near(pos, 1, {"group:water"})
or minetest.is_protected(pos, "") then
- mob_sound(self, self.sounds.explode)
- self.object:remove()
--- effect(pos, 15, "tnt_smoke.png")
- effect(pos, 32, "tnt_smoke.png", radius * 3, radius * 5, radius, 1, 0)
- -- hurt player/mobs caught in blast area
- entity_physics(pos, radius)
- return
+ damage_radius = 0
- pos.y = pos.y - 1
- mobs:explosion(pos, radius, fire, smoke, self.sounds.explode)
- entity_physics(pos, radius)
+ tnt.boom(pos, {
+ radius = radius,
+ damage_radius = damage_radius,
+ })
@@ -2632,8 +2620,6 @@ minetest.register_entity(name, {
pathfinding = def.pathfinding,
immune_to = def.immune_to or {},
explosion_radius = def.explosion_radius,
- explosion_fire = def.explosion_fire,
- explosion_smoke = def.explosion_smoke,
custom_attack = def.custom_attack,
double_melee_attack = def.double_melee_attack,
dogshoot_switch = def.dogshoot_switch,
@@ -2863,101 +2849,6 @@ function mobs:spawn(def)
--- set content id's
-local c_air = minetest.get_content_id("air")
-local c_ignore = minetest.get_content_id("ignore")
--- explosion (cannot break protected or unbreakable nodes)
-function mobs:explosion(pos, radius, fire, smoke, sound)
- radius = radius or 0
- fire = fire or 0
- smoke = smoke or 0
- -- if area protected or near map limits then no blast damage
- if minetest.is_protected(pos, "")
- or not within_limits(pos, radius) then
- return
- end
- -- explosion sound
- if sound
- and sound ~= "" then
- minetest.sound_play(sound, {
- pos = pos,
- gain = 1.0,
- max_hear_distance = 16
- })
- end
- pos = vector.round(pos) -- voxelmanip doesn't work properly unless pos is rounded ?!?!
- local vm = VoxelManip()
- local minp, maxp = vm:read_from_map(vector.subtract(pos, radius), vector.add(pos, radius))
- local a = VoxelArea:new({MinEdge = minp, MaxEdge = maxp})
- local data = vm:get_data()
- local p = {}
- local pr = PseudoRandom(os.time())
- if smoke > 0 then
- --(pos, amount, texture, min_size, max_size, radius, gravity, glow)
- effect(pos, 32, "tnt_smoke.png", radius * 3, radius * 5, radius, 1, 0)
- end
- for z = -radius, radius do
- for y = -radius, radius do
- local vi = a:index(pos.x + (-radius), pos.y + y, pos.z + z)
- for x = -radius, radius do
- p.x = pos.x + x
- p.y = pos.y + y
- p.z = pos.z + z
- if (x * x) + (y * y) + (z * z) <= (radius * radius) + pr:next(-radius, radius)
- and data[vi] ~= c_air
- and data[vi] ~= c_ignore then
- local n = node_ok(p).name
- local on_blast = minetest.registered_nodes[n].on_blast
- if on_blast then
- on_blast(p)
- elseif minetest.registered_nodes[n].groups.unbreakable == 1 then
- -- do nothing
- else
- -- after effects
- if fire > 0
- and (minetest.registered_nodes[n].groups.flammable
- or random(1, 100) < 60) then
- -- Set fire (if node is present)
- if minetest.registered_nodes[node_fire] then
- minetest.set_node(p, {name = node_fire})
- end
- else
- minetest.set_node(p, {name = "air"})
--- if smoke > 0 then
--- effect(p, 2, "tnt_smoke.png")
--- end
- end
- end
- end
- vi = vi + 1
- end
- end
- end
-- register arrow for shoot attack
function mobs:register_arrow(name, def)