path: root/stairsplus/panels.lua
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2016-12-31Run cleanfile on all files, fixing whitespace issues.Auke Kok
2016-10-03Add Alias Functions (#54)Thomas--S
2016-07-12Fix drop logic. (#49)John Cole
2016-06-17Add support for the alternative drop syntax (#46)Thomas--S
2015-11-01Make stairplus:register_* functions work without using register_all.Pierre-Yves Rollo
2015-01-12More informative and shorter headers.Calinou
2015-01-11Add licensing headers to all files, fix intllib global variable warnings.Calinou
2014-07-28Make Stairs+ recipes mod-agnostic.Calinou
2014-07-21Code cleanup, new Stairs+ recipes.Calinou
2014-07-03New recipes, code cleanup.Calinou
2014-06-27Code cleanup. Add tar and more stone types.Calinou
2014-05-04New recipes for Stairs+ nodes. Allows crafting most useful Stairs+ nodes. Mor...Calinou
2014-03-09Merge ShadowNinja's rewrite.Calinou
2014-01-20Big update: new stair types, code looks better.Calinou
2013-11-07Rewrite slightly to use the new 6d facedir prediction code in builtin.Vanessa Ezekowitz
2013-10-27Fix dropsCalinou
2013-10-27Added new aliases for screwdriver and circular saw, new microblocks/panels, c...Calinou
2013-07-11More BlocksCalinou