path: root/date_palm.lua
diff options
authorroot <>2016-08-27 10:16:44 +0200
committerroot <>2016-08-27 10:16:44 +0200
commit17b386ec9de0a8e0143a99046bfd5ac537cfef62 (patch)
tree6ae7e463e6be408f9b7551aca54f77bb0f9c1710 /date_palm.lua
parent7663d6a1670fcfc624e57cad29368e48f5434d59 (diff)
parent471a11f92dcdf9f78ce25268fbcaaa627907b257 (diff)
Merge branch 'master' of
Diffstat (limited to 'date_palm.lua')
1 files changed, 746 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/date_palm.lua b/date_palm.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0c40b72
--- /dev/null
+++ b/date_palm.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,746 @@
+-- Date palms.
+-- Date palms grow in hot and dry desert, but they require water. This makes them
+-- a bit harder to find. If found in the middle of the desert, their presence
+-- indicates a water source below the surface.
+-- As an additional feature (which can be disabled), dates automatically regrow after
+-- harvesting (provided a male tree is sufficiently nearby).
+-- If regrowing is enabled, then ripe dates will not hang forever. Most will disappear
+-- (e.g. eaten by birds, ...), and a small fraction will drop as items.
+-- © 2016, Rogier <>
+-- License: WTFPL
+local S = moretrees.intllib
+-- Some constants
+local dates_drop_ichance = 4
+local stems_drop_ichance = 4
+local flowers_wither_ichance = 3
+-- implementation
+local dates_regrow_prob
+if moretrees.dates_regrow_unpollinated_percent <= 0 then
+ dates_regrow_prob = 0
+elseif moretrees.dates_regrow_unpollinated_percent >= 100 then
+ dates_regrow_prob = 1
+ dates_regrow_prob = 1 - math.pow(moretrees.dates_regrow_unpollinated_percent/100, 1/flowers_wither_ichance)
+-- Make the date palm fruit trunk a real trunk (it is generated as a fruit)
+local trunk = minetest.registered_nodes["moretrees:date_palm_trunk"]
+local ftrunk = {}
+local fftrunk = {}
+local mftrunk = {}
+for k,v in pairs(trunk) do
+ ftrunk[k] = v
+ftrunk.tiles = {}
+for k,v in pairs(trunk.tiles) do
+ ftrunk.tiles[k] = v
+ftrunk.drop = "moretrees:date_palm_trunk"
+ftrunk.after_destruct = function(pos, oldnode)
+ local dates = minetest.find_nodes_in_area({x=pos.x-2, y=pos.y, z=pos.z-2}, {x=pos.x+2, y=pos.y, z=pos.z+2}, {"group:moretrees_dates"})
+ for _,datespos in pairs(dates) do
+ -- minetest.dig_node(datespos) does not cause nearby dates to be dropped :-( ...
+ local items = minetest.get_node_drops(minetest.get_node(datespos).name)
+ minetest.remove_node(datespos)
+ for _, itemname in pairs(items) do
+ minetest.add_item(datespos, itemname)
+ end
+ end
+for k,v in pairs(ftrunk) do
+ mftrunk[k] = v
+ fftrunk[k] = v
+fftrunk.tiles = {}
+mftrunk.tiles = {}
+for k,v in pairs(trunk.tiles) do
+ fftrunk.tiles[k] = v
+ mftrunk.tiles[k] = v
+-- Make the different types of trunk distinguishable (but not too easily)
+ftrunk.tiles[1] = "moretrees_date_palm_trunk_top.png^[transformR180"
+ftrunk.description = ftrunk.description.." (gen)"
+fftrunk.tiles[1] = "moretrees_date_palm_trunk_top.png^[transformR90"
+mftrunk.tiles[1] = "moretrees_date_palm_trunk_top.png^[transformR-90"
+minetest.register_node("moretrees:date_palm_fruit_trunk", ftrunk)
+minetest.register_node("moretrees:date_palm_ffruit_trunk", fftrunk)
+minetest.register_node("moretrees:date_palm_mfruit_trunk", mftrunk)
+-- ABM to grow new date blossoms
+local date_regrow_abm_spec = {
+ nodenames = { "moretrees:date_palm_ffruit_trunk", "moretrees:date_palm_mfruit_trunk" },
+ interval = moretrees.dates_flower_interval,
+ chance = moretrees.dates_flower_chance,
+ action = function(pos, node, active_object_count, active_object_count_wider)
+ local dates = minetest.find_nodes_in_area({x=pos.x-2, y=pos.y, z=pos.z-2}, {x=pos.x+2, y=pos.y, z=pos.z+2}, "group:moretrees_dates")
+ -- New blossom interval increases exponentially with number of dates already hanging
+ -- In addition: if more dates are hanging, the chance of picking an empty spot decreases as well...
+ if math.random(2^#dates) <= 2 then
+ -- Grow in area of 5x5 round trunk; higher probability in 3x3 area close to trunk
+ local dx=math.floor((math.random(50)-18)/16)
+ local dz=math.floor((math.random(50)-18)/16)
+ local datepos = {x=pos.x+dx, y=pos.y, z=pos.z+dz}
+ local datenode = minetest.get_node(datepos)
+ if == "air" then
+ if == "moretrees:date_palm_ffruit_trunk" then
+ minetest.set_node(datepos, {name="moretrees:dates_f0"})
+ else
+ minetest.set_node(datepos, {name="moretrees:dates_m0"})
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+if moretrees.dates_regrow_pollinated or moretrees.dates_regrow_unpollinated_percent > 0 then
+ minetest.register_abm(date_regrow_abm_spec)
+-- Choose male or female palm, and spawn initial dates
+-- (Instead of dates, a dates fruit trunk is generated with the tree. This
+-- ABM converts the trunk to a female or male fruit trunk, and spawns some
+-- hanging dates)
+ nodenames = { "moretrees:date_palm_fruit_trunk" },
+ interval = 1,
+ chance = 1,
+ action = function(pos, node, active_object_count, active_object_count_wider)
+ local type
+ if math.random(100) <= moretrees.dates_female_percent then
+ type = "f"
+ minetest.swap_node(pos, {name="moretrees:date_palm_ffruit_trunk"})
+ else
+ type = "m"
+ minetest.swap_node(pos, {name="moretrees:date_palm_mfruit_trunk"})
+ end
+ local dates1 = minetest.find_nodes_in_area({x=pos.x-1, y=pos.y, z=pos.z-1}, {x=pos.x+1, y=pos.y, z=pos.z+1}, "air")
+ local genpos
+ for _,genpos in pairs(dates1) do
+ if math.random(100) <= 20 then
+ if type == "m" then
+ minetest.set_node(genpos, {name = "moretrees:dates_n"})
+ else
+ minetest.set_node(genpos, {name = "moretrees:dates_f4"})
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ local dates2 = minetest.find_nodes_in_area({x=pos.x-2, y=pos.y, z=pos.z-2}, {x=pos.x+2, y=pos.y, z=pos.z+2}, "air")
+ for _,genpos in pairs(dates2) do
+ if math.random(100) <= 5 then
+ if type == "m" then
+ minetest.set_node(genpos, {name = "moretrees:dates_n"})
+ else
+ minetest.set_node(genpos, {name = "moretrees:dates_f4"})
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end,
+-- Dates growing functions.
+-- This is a bit complex, as the purpose is to find male flowers at horizontal distances of over
+-- 100 nodes. As searching such a large area is time consuming, this is optimized in four ways:
+-- - The search result (the locations of male trees) is cached, so that it can be used again
+-- - Only 1/9th of the desired area is searched at a time. A new search is only performed if no male
+-- flowers are found in the previously searched parts.
+-- - Search results are shared with other female palms nearby.
+-- - If previous searches for male palms have consumed too much CPU time, the search is skipped
+-- (This means no male palms will be found, and the pollination of the flowers affected will be
+-- delayed. If this happens repeatedly, eventually, the female flowers will wither...)
+-- A caching method was selected that is suited for the case where most date trees are long-lived,
+-- and where the number of trees nearby is limited:
+-- - Locations of male palms are stored as metadata for every female palm. This means that a player
+-- visiting a remote area with some date palms will not cause extensive searches for male palms as
+-- long overdue blossoming ABMs are triggered for every date palm.
+-- - Even when male palms *are* cut down, a cache refill will only be performed if the cached results do not
+-- contain a male palm with blossoms.
+-- The method will probably perform suboptimally:
+-- - If female palms are frequently chopped down and replanted.
+-- Freshly grown palms will need to search for male palms again
+-- (this is mitigated by the long blossoming interval, which increases the chance that search
+-- results have already been shared)
+-- - If an area contains a large number of male and female palms.
+-- In this area, every female palm will have an almost identical list of male palm locations
+-- as metadata.
+-- - If all male palms within range of a number of female palms have been chopped down (with possibly
+-- new ones planted). Although an attempt was made to share search results in this case as well,
+-- a number of similar searches will unavoidably be performed by the different female palms.
+-- - If no male palms are in range of a female palm. In that case, there will be frequent searches
+-- for newly-grown male palms.
+-- Search statistics - used to limit the search load.
+local sect_search_stats = {} -- Search statistics - server-wide
+local function reset_sect_search_stats()
+ sect_search_stats.count = 0 -- # of searches
+ sect_search_stats.skip = 0 -- # of times skipped
+ sect_search_stats.sum = 0 -- total time spent
+ sect_search_stats.min = 999999999 -- min time spent
+ sect_search_stats.max = 0 -- max time spent
+sect_search_stats.last_us = 0 -- last time a search was done (microseconds, max: 2^32)
+sect_search_stats.last_s = 0 -- last time a search was done (system time in seconds)
+-- Find male trunks in one section (=1/9 th) of the searchable area.
+-- sect is -4 to 4, where 0 is the center section
+local function find_fruit_trunks_near(ftpos, sect)
+ local r = moretrees.dates_pollination_distance + 2 * math.sqrt(2)
+ local sect_hr = math.floor(r / 3 + 0.9999)
+ local sect_vr = math.floor(r / 2 + 0.9999)
+ local t0us = core.get_us_time()
+ local t0s = os.time()
+ -- Compute elapsed time since last search.
+ -- Unfortunately, the time value wraps after about 71 minutes (2^32 microseconds),
+ -- so it must be corrected to obtain the actual elapsed time.
+ if t0us < sect_search_stats.last_us then
+ -- Correct a simple wraparound.
+ -- This is not sufficient, as the time value may have wrapped more than once...
+ sect_search_stats.last_us = sect_search_stats.last_us - 2^32
+ end
+ if t0s - sect_search_stats.last_s > 2^32/1000000 then
+ -- One additional correction is enough for our purposes.
+ -- For exact results, more corrections may be needed though...
+ -- (and even not applying this correction at all would still only yield
+ -- a minimal risk of a non-serious miscalculation...)
+ sect_search_stats.last_us = sect_search_stats.last_us - 2^32
+ end
+ -- Skip the search if it is consuming too much CPU time
+ if sect_search_stats.count > 0 and moretrees.dates_blossom_search_iload > 0
+ and sect_search_stats.sum / sect_search_stats.count > moretrees.dates_blossom_search_time_treshold
+ and t0us - sect_search_stats.last_us < moretrees.dates_blossom_search_iload * (sect_search_stats.sum / sect_search_stats.count) then
+ sect_search_stats.skip = sect_search_stats.skip + 1
+ return nil
+ end
+ local all_palms = minetest.find_nodes_in_area(
+ { x = ftpos.x + 2 * sect.x * sect_hr - sect_hr,
+ y = ftpos.y - sect_vr,
+ z = ftpos.z + 2 * sect.z * sect_hr - sect_hr },
+ { x = ftpos.x + 2 * sect.x * sect_hr + sect_hr,
+ y = ftpos.y + sect_vr,
+ z = ftpos.z + 2 * sect.z * sect_hr + sect_hr },
+ {"moretrees:date_palm_mfruit_trunk", "moretrees:date_palm_ffruit_trunk"})
+ -- Collect different palms in separate lists.
+ local female_palms = {}
+ local male_palms = {}
+ local all_male_palms = {}
+ for _, pos in pairs(all_palms) do
+ if pos.x ~= ftpos.x or pos.y ~= ftpos.y or pos.z ~= ftpos.z then
+ local node = minetest.get_node(pos)
+ if node and == "moretrees:date_palm_ffruit_trunk" then
+ table.insert(female_palms,pos)
+ elseif node then
+ table.insert(all_male_palms,pos)
+ -- In sector 0, all palms are of interest.
+ -- In other sectors, forget about palms that are too far away.
+ if sect == 0 then
+ table.insert(male_palms,pos)
+ else
+ local ssq = 0
+ for _, c in pairs({"x", "z"}) do
+ local dc = pos[c] - ftpos[c]
+ ssq = ssq + dc * dc
+ end
+ if math.sqrt(ssq) <= r then
+ table.insert(male_palms,pos)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ -- Update search statistics
+ local t1us = core.get_us_time()
+ if t1us < t0us then
+ -- Wraparound. Assume the search lasted less than 2^32 microseconds (~71 min)
+ -- (so no need to apply another correction)
+ t0us = t0us - 2^32
+ end
+ sect_search_stats.last_us = t0us
+ sect_search_stats.last_s = t0s
+ sect_search_stats.count = sect_search_stats.count + 1
+ sect_search_stats.sum = sect_search_stats.sum + t1us-t0us
+ if t1us - t0us < sect_search_stats.min then
+ sect_search_stats.min = t1us - t0us
+ end
+ if t1us - t0us > sect_search_stats.max then
+ sect_search_stats.max = t1us - t0us
+ end
+ return male_palms, female_palms, all_male_palms
+local function dates_print_search_stats(log)
+ local stats
+ if sect_search_stats.count > 0 then
+ stats = string.format("Male date tree searching stats: searches: %d/%d: average: %d µs (%d..%d)",
+ sect_search_stats.count, sect_search_stats.count + sect_search_stats.skip,
+ sect_search_stats.sum/sect_search_stats.count, sect_search_stats.min, sect_search_stats.max)
+ else
+ stats = string.format("Male date tree searching stats: searches: 0/0: average: (no searches yet)")
+ end
+ if log then
+ minetest.log("action", "[moretrees] " .. stats)
+ end
+ return true, stats
+minetest.register_chatcommand("dates_stats", {
+ description = "Print male date palm search statistics",
+ params = "|chat|log|reset",
+ privs = { server = true },
+ func = function(name, param)
+ param = string.lower(string.trim(param))
+ if param == "" or param == "chat" then
+ return dates_print_search_stats(false)
+ elseif param == "log" then
+ return dates_print_search_stats(true)
+ elseif param == "reset" then
+ reset_sect_search_stats()
+ return true
+ else
+ return false, "Invalid subcommand; expected: '' or 'chat' or 'log' or 'reset'"
+ end
+ end,
+-- Find the female trunk near the female flowers to be pollinated
+local function find_female_trunk(fbpos)
+ local trunks = minetest.find_nodes_in_area({x=fbpos.x-2, y=fbpos.y, z=fbpos.z-2},
+ {x=fbpos.x+2, y=fbpos.y, z=fbpos.z+2},
+ "moretrees:date_palm_ffruit_trunk")
+ local ftpos
+ local d = 99
+ for x, pos in pairs(trunks) do
+ local ssq = 0
+ for _, c in pairs({"x", "z"}) do
+ local dc = pos[c] - fbpos[c]
+ ssq = ssq + dc * dc
+ end
+ if math.sqrt(ssq) < d then
+ ftpos = pos
+ d = math.sqrt(ssq)
+ end
+ end
+ return ftpos
+-- Find male blossom near a male trunk,
+-- the male blossom must be in range of a specific female blossom as well
+local function find_male_blossom_near_trunk(fbpos, mtpos)
+ local r = moretrees.dates_pollination_distance
+ local blossoms = minetest.find_nodes_in_area({x=mtpos.x-2, y=mtpos.y, z=mtpos.z-2},
+ {x=mtpos.x+2, y=mtpos.y, z=mtpos.z+2},
+ "moretrees:dates_m0")
+ for x, mbpos in pairs(blossoms) do
+ local ssq = 0
+ for _, c in pairs({"x", "z"}) do
+ local dc = mbpos[c] - fbpos[c]
+ ssq = ssq + dc * dc
+ end
+ if math.sqrt(ssq) <= r then
+ return mbpos
+ end
+ end
+-- Find a male blossom in range of a specific female blossom,
+-- using a nested list of male blossom positions
+local function find_male_blossom_in_mpalms(ftpos, fbpos, mpalms)
+ -- Process the elements of mpalms.sect (index -4 .. 4) in random order
+ -- First, compute the order in which the sectors will be searched
+ local sect_index = {}
+ local sect_rnd = {}
+ for i = -4,4 do
+ local n = math.random(1023)
+ sect_index[n] = i
+ table.insert(sect_rnd, n)
+ end
+ table.sort(sect_rnd)
+ -- Search the sectors
+ local sect_old = 0
+ local sect_time = minetest.get_gametime()
+ for _, n in pairs(sect_rnd) do
+ -- Record the oldest sector, so that it can be searched if no male
+ -- blossoms were found
+ if not mpalms.sect_time[sect_index[n]] then
+ sect_old = sect_index[n]
+ sect_time = 0
+ elseif mpalms.sect_time[sect_index[n]] < sect_time then
+ sect_old = sect_index[n]
+ sect_time = mpalms.sect_time[sect_index[n]]
+ end
+ if mpalms.sect[sect_index[n]] and #mpalms.sect[sect_index[n]] then
+ for px, mtpos in pairs(mpalms.sect[sect_index[n]]) do
+ local node = minetest.get_node(mtpos)
+ if node and == "moretrees:date_palm_mfruit_trunk" then
+ local mbpos = find_male_blossom_near_trunk(fbpos, mtpos)
+ if mbpos then
+ return mbpos
+ end
+ elseif node and ~= "ignore" then
+ -- no more male trunk here.
+ mpalms.sect[sect_index[n]][px] = nil
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return nil, sect_old
+-- Find a male blossom in range of a specific female blossom,
+-- using the cache associated with the given female trunk
+-- If necessary, recompute part of the cache
+local last_search_result = {}
+local function find_male_blossom_with_ftrunk(fbpos,ftpos)
+ local meta = minetest.get_meta(ftpos)
+ local mpalms
+ local cache_changed = true
+ -- Load cache. If distance has changed, start with empty cache instead.
+ local mpalms_dist = meta:get_int("male_palms_dist")
+ if mpalms_dist and mpalms_dist == moretrees.dates_pollination_distance then
+ mpalms = meta:get_string("male_palms")
+ if mpalms and mpalms ~= "" then
+ mpalms = minetest.deserialize(mpalms)
+ cache_changed = false
+ end
+ end
+ if not mpalms or not mpalms.sect then
+ mpalms = {}
+ mpalms.sect = {}
+ mpalms.sect_time = {}
+ meta:set_int("male_palms_dist", moretrees.dates_pollination_distance)
+ cache_changed = true
+ end
+ local fpalms_list
+ local all_mpalms_list
+ local sector0_searched = false
+ -- Always make sure that sector 0 is cached
+ if not mpalms.sect[0] then
+ mpalms.sect[0], fpalms_list, all_mpalms_list = find_fruit_trunks_near(ftpos, {x = 0, z = 0})
+ mpalms.sect_time[0] = minetest.get_gametime()
+ sector0_searched = true
+ cache_changed = true
+ last_search_result.female = fpalms_list
+ last_search_result.male = all_mpalms_list
+ end
+ -- Find male palms
+ local mbpos, sect_old = find_male_blossom_in_mpalms(ftpos, fbpos, mpalms)
+ -- If not found, (re)generate the cache for an additional sector. But don't search it yet (for performance reasons)
+ -- (Use the globally cached results if possible)
+ if not mbpos and not sector0_searched then
+ if not mpalms.sect_time[0] or mpalms.sect_time[0] == 0 or math.random(3) == 1 then
+ -- Higher probability of re-searching the center sector
+ sect_old = 0
+ end
+ -- Use globally cached result if possible
+ mpalms.sect[sect_old] = nil
+ if sect_old == 0 and mpalms.sect_time[0] and mpalms.sect_time[0] > 0
+ and last_search_result.male and #last_search_result.male then
+ for _, pos in pairs(last_search_result.female) do
+ if pos.x == ftpos.x and pos.y == ftpos.y and pos.z == ftpos.z then
+ mpalms.sect[sect_old] = last_search_result.male
+ -- Next time, don't use the cached result
+ mpalms.sect_time[sect_old] = nil
+ cache_changed = true
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ -- Else do a new search
+ if not mpalms.sect[sect_old] then
+ mpalms.sect[sect_old], fpalms_list, all_mpalms_list = find_fruit_trunks_near(ftpos, {x = (sect_old + 4) % 3 - 1, z = (sect_old + 4) / 3 - 1})
+ cache_changed = true
+ if sect_old == 0 then
+ -- Save the results if it is sector 0
+ -- (chance of reusing results from another sector are smaller)
+ last_search_result.female = fpalms_list
+ last_search_result.male = all_mpalms_list
+ end
+ if mpalms.sect[sect_old] then
+ mpalms.sect_time[sect_old] = minetest.get_gametime()
+ else
+ mpalms.sect_time[sect_old] = nil
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ -- Share search results with other female trunks in the same area
+ -- Note that the list of female trunks doesn't (shouldn't :-) contain the current female trunk.
+ if fpalms_list and #fpalms_list and #all_mpalms_list then
+ local all_mpalms = {}
+ all_mpalms.sect = {}
+ all_mpalms.sect_time = {}
+ all_mpalms.sect[0] = all_mpalms_list
+ -- Don't set sect_time[0], so that the cached sector will be re-searched soon (if necessary)
+ local all_mpalms_serialized = minetest.serialize(all_mpalms)
+ for _, pos in pairs(fpalms_list) do
+ local fmeta = minetest.get_meta(pos)
+ local fdist = fmeta:get_int("male_palms_dist")
+ if not fdist or fdist ~= moretrees.dates_pollination_distance then
+ fmeta:set_string("male_palms", all_mpalms_serialized)
+ fmeta:set_int("male_palms_dist", moretrees.dates_pollination_distance)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ -- Save cache.
+ if cache_changed then
+ meta:set_string("male_palms", minetest.serialize(mpalms))
+ end
+ return mbpos
+-- Find a male blossom in range of a specific female blossom
+local function find_male_blossom(fbpos)
+ local ftpos = find_female_trunk(fbpos)
+ if ftpos then
+ return find_male_blossom_with_ftrunk(fbpos, ftpos)
+ end
+ return nil
+-- Growing function for dates
+local dates_growfn = function(pos, elapsed)
+ local node = minetest.get_node(pos)
+ local delay = moretrees.dates_grow_interval
+ local r = moretrees.dates_pollination_distance
+ local action
+ if not node then
+ return
+ elseif not moretrees.dates_regrow_pollinated and dates_regrow_prob == 0 then
+ -- Regrowing of dates is disabled.
+ if string.find(, "moretrees:dates_f") then
+ minetest.swap_node(pos, {name="moretrees:dates_f4"})
+ elseif string.find(, "moretrees:dates_m") then
+ minetest.swap_node(pos, {name="moretrees:dates_n"})
+ else
+ minetest.remove_node(pos)
+ end
+ return
+ elseif == "moretrees:dates_f0" and math.random(100) <= 100 * dates_regrow_prob then
+ -- Dates grow unpollinated
+ minetest.swap_node(pos, {name="moretrees:dates_f1"})
+ action = "nopollinate"
+ elseif == "moretrees:dates_f0" and moretrees.dates_regrow_pollinated and find_male_blossom(pos) then
+ -- Pollinate flowers
+ minetest.swap_node(pos, {name="moretrees:dates_f1"})
+ action = "pollinate"
+ elseif string.match(, "0$") then
+ -- Make female unpollinated and male flowers last a bit longer
+ if math.random(flowers_wither_ichance) == 1 then
+ if == "moretrees:dates_f0" then
+ minetest.swap_node(pos, {name="moretrees:dates_fn"})
+ else
+ minetest.swap_node(pos, {name="moretrees:dates_n"})
+ end
+ action = "wither"
+ else
+ action = "nowither"
+ end
+ elseif == "moretrees:dates_f4" then
+ -- Remove dates, and optionally drop them as items
+ if math.random(dates_drop_ichance) == 1 then
+ if moretrees.dates_item_drop_ichance > 0 and math.random(moretrees.dates_item_drop_ichance) == 1 then
+ local items = minetest.get_node_drops(minetest.get_node(pos).name)
+ for _, itemname in pairs(items) do
+ minetest.add_item(pos, itemname)
+ end
+ end
+ minetest.swap_node(pos, {name="moretrees:dates_n"})
+ action = "drop"
+ else
+ action = "nodrop"
+ end
+ elseif string.match(, "n$") then
+ -- Remove stems.
+ if math.random(stems_drop_ichance) == 1 then
+ minetest.remove_node(pos)
+ return "stemdrop"
+ end
+ action = "nostemdrop"
+ else
+ -- Grow dates
+ local offset = 18
+ local n = string.sub(, offset)
+ minetest.swap_node(pos, {name=string.sub(, 1, offset-1)..n+1})
+ action = "grow"
+ end
+ -- Don't catch up when elapsed time is large. Regular visits are needed for growth...
+ local timer = minetest.get_node_timer(pos)
+ timer:start(delay + math.random(moretrees.dates_grow_interval))
+ return action
+-- Alternate growth function for dates.
+-- It calls the primary growth function, but also measures CPU time consumed.
+-- Use this function to analyze date growing performance.
+local stat = {}
+stat.count = 0
+local dates_growfn_profiling = function(pos, elapsed)
+ local t0 = core.get_us_time()
+ local action = dates_growfn(pos, elapsed)
+ local t1 = core.get_us_time()
+ if t1 < t0 then
+ t1 = t1 + 2^32
+ end
+ stat.count = stat.count + 1
+ if not stat[action] then
+ stat[action] = {}
+ stat[action].count = 0
+ stat[action].sum = 0
+ stat[action].min = 9999999999
+ stat[action].max = 0
+ end
+ stat[action].count = stat[action].count + 1
+ stat[action].sum = stat[action].sum + t1-t0
+ if t1-t0 < stat[action].min then
+ stat[action].min = t1-t0
+ end
+ if t1-t0 > stat[action].max then
+ stat[action].max = t1-t0
+ end
+ if stat.count % 10 == 0 then
+ io.write(".")
+ io.flush()
+ end
+ if stat.count % 100 == 0 then
+ print(string.format("Date grow statistics %5d:", stat.count))
+ local sum = 0
+ local count = 0
+ if sect_search_stats.count > 0 and stat.pollinate and stat.pollinate.count > 0 then
+ print(string.format("\t%-12s: %6d (%4.1f%%): %6dus (%d..%d)",
+ "search", sect_search_stats.count,
+ 100*sect_search_stats.count/stat.pollinate.count,
+ sect_search_stats.sum/sect_search_stats.count,
+ sect_search_stats.min, sect_search_stats.max))
+ else
+ print(string.format("\t%-12s: %6d (%4.1f%%): %6dus (%d..%d)",
+ "search", sect_search_stats.count,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0))
+ end
+ for action,data in pairs(stat) do
+ if action ~= "count" then
+ count = count + data.count
+ sum = sum + data.sum
+ print(string.format("\t%-12s: %6d (%4.1f%%): %6dus (%d..%d)",
+ action, data.count,
+ 100*data.count/stat.count, data.sum/data.count,
+ data.min, data.max))
+ end
+ end
+ print(string.format("\t%-12s: %6d ( 100%%): %6dus",
+ "TOTAL", count, sum/count))
+ end
+-- Register dates
+local dates_starttimer = function(pos, elapsed)
+ local timer = minetest.get_node_timer(pos)
+ local base_interval = moretrees.dates_grow_interval * 2 / 3
+ timer:set(base_interval + math.random(base_interval), elapsed or 0)
+local dates_drop = {
+ items = {
+ {items = { "moretrees:date" }},
+ {items = { "moretrees:date" }},
+ {items = { "moretrees:date" }},
+ {items = { "moretrees:date" }},
+ {items = { "moretrees:date" }, rarity = 2 },
+ {items = { "moretrees:date" }, rarity = 2 },
+ {items = { "moretrees:date" }, rarity = 2 },
+ {items = { "moretrees:date" }, rarity = 2 },
+ {items = { "moretrees:date" }, rarity = 5 },
+ {items = { "moretrees:date" }, rarity = 5 },
+ {items = { "moretrees:date" }, rarity = 5 },
+ {items = { "moretrees:date" }, rarity = 5 },
+ {items = { "moretrees:date" }, rarity = 20 },
+ {items = { "moretrees:date" }, rarity = 20 },
+ {items = { "moretrees:date" }, rarity = 20 },
+ {items = { "moretrees:date" }, rarity = 20 },
+ }
+for _,suffix in ipairs({"f0", "f1", "f2", "f3", "f4", "m0", "fn", "n"}) do
+ local name
+ if suffix == "f0" or suffix == "m0" then
+ name = S("Date Flowers")
+ elseif suffix == "n" or suffix == "fn" then
+ name = S("Date Stem")
+ else
+ name = S("Dates")
+ end
+ local dropfn = suffix == "f4" and dates_drop or ""
+ local datedef = {
+ description = name,
+ tiles = {"moretrees_dates_"..suffix..".png"},
+ visual_scale = 2,
+ drawtype = "plantlike",
+ paramtype = "light",
+ sunlight_propagates = true,
+ walkable = false,
+ groups = { fleshy=3, dig_immediate=3, flammable=2, moretrees_dates=1 },
+ inventory_image = "moretrees_dates_"..suffix..".png^[transformR0",
+ wield_image = "moretrees_dates_"..suffix..".png^[transformR90",
+ sounds = default.node_sound_defaults(),
+ drop = dropfn,
+ selection_box = {
+ type = "fixed",
+ fixed = {-0.3, -0.3, -0.3, 0.3, 3.5, 0.3}
+ },
+ on_timer = dates_growfn,
+ on_construct = (moretrees.dates_regrow_pollinated or moretrees.dates_regrow_unpollinated_percent > 0)
+ and dates_starttimer,
+ }
+ minetest.register_node("moretrees:dates_"..suffix, datedef)
+-- If regrowing was previously disabled, but is enabled now, make sure timers are started for existing dates
+if moretrees.dates_regrow_pollinated or moretrees.dates_regrow_unpollinated_percent > 0 then
+ local spec = {
+ name = "moretrees:restart_dates_regrow_timer",
+ nodenames = "group:moretrees_dates",
+ action = function(pos, node, active_object_count, active_object_count_wider)
+ local timer = minetest.get_node_timer(pos)
+ if not timer:is_started() then
+ dates_starttimer(pos)
+ else
+ local timeout = timer:get_timeout()
+ local elapsed = timer:get_elapsed()
+ if timeout - elapsed > moretrees.dates_grow_interval * 4/3 then
+ dates_starttimer(pos, math.random(moretrees.dates_grow_interval * 4/3))
+ end
+ end
+ end,
+ }
+ if minetest.register_lbm then
+ minetest.register_lbm(spec)
+ else
+ spec.interval = 3557
+ spec.chance = 10
+ minetest.register_abm(spec)
+ end