path: root/default_settings.txt
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'default_settings.txt')
1 files changed, 64 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/default_settings.txt b/default_settings.txt
index a34ea23..257baec 100644
--- a/default_settings.txt
+++ b/default_settings.txt
@@ -6,7 +6,8 @@ moretrees.enable_apple_tree = true
moretrees.enable_oak = true
moretrees.enable_sequoia = true
moretrees.enable_palm = true
-moretrees.enable_pine = true
+moretrees.enable_date_palm = true
+moretrees.enable_cedar = true
moretrees.enable_rubber_tree = true
moretrees.enable_willow = true
moretrees.enable_acacia = true
@@ -14,6 +15,7 @@ moretrees.enable_birch = true
moretrees.enable_spruce = true
moretrees.enable_jungle_tree = true
moretrees.enable_fir = true
+moretrees.enable_poplar = true
moretrees.enable_beech = false
-- set this to true to make moretrees spawn saplings at mapgen time instead
@@ -57,6 +59,67 @@ moretrees.firs_remove_default_trees = false
moretrees.firs_remove_interval = 2
moretrees.firs_remove_chance = 150
+-- Cocos palm settings
+moretrees.coconuts_regrow = true
+moretrees.coconuts_convert_existing_palms = true -- Converting existing palm trees will make coconuts regrow on them as well
+ -- Else, they will only regrow on newly-spawned palms
+ -- However, conversion is not an exact science, and although an attempt is
+ -- made to detect whether a trunk belongs to an actual palm, some coconut trunks
+ -- and some coconuts may be incorrectly converted.
+moretrees.coconut_flower_interval = 59
+moretrees.coconut_flower_chance = 67
+moretrees.coconut_grow_interval = 2 * moretrees.coconut_flower_interval * moretrees.coconut_flower_chance
+ -- Actual interval will randomly vary between 67% and 133% of this value
+ -- 2 * 59 * 67 ~ 2 hours. So flowers become coconuts in about 6 hours
+moretrees.coconut_item_drop_ichance = 10 -- inverse probability of ripe coconuts dropping as items (instead of disappearing)
+-- Date palm settings
+-- Suggested configuration alternatives:
+-- - Dates grow only when pollinated:
+-- - Set dates_regrow_pollinated to true
+-- - Set dates_regrow_unpollinated_percent to 0
+-- - Dates grow without pollination. Pollination disabled:
+-- - Set dates_regrow_pollinated to false
+-- - Set dates_regrow_unpollinated_percent to some larger positive value, e.g. 95
+-- - Dates grow, but more and faster if male flowers are nearby
+-- - Set dates_regrow_pollinated to true
+-- - Set dates_regrow_unpollinated_percent to some small positive value, e.g. 33
+-- - Optional but recommended: Reduce the pollination distance, e.g. to 30
+-- Note that it should not be necessary to disable pollination for performance
+-- reasons. A lot of effort has gone into ensuring that date growing will not cause lag.
+-- If lag is suspected, use the chat command '/dates_stats' to obtain the male dates
+-- search time, as well as the counts of total number of searches requested and the
+-- number of searches actually performed.
+moretrees.dates_regrow_pollinated = true -- Enable pollination. If enabled, male trees are required for dates to grow.
+ -- If disabled, dates_regrow_unpollinated_percent must be non-zero for dates to regrow.
+moretrees.dates_regrow_unpollinated_percent = 0 -- Percentage of female dates becoming dates without being pollinated.
+ -- If 0, dates_regrow_pollinated must be enabled for dates to grow.
+moretrees.dates_female_percent = 57 -- Ratio of female to male trees - tune this to improve # of generated trees that actually bear fruit
+ -- ~57% gives near optimal results for groups of 3 random trees, while it is only slightly suboptimal
+ -- for groups of 2 and 4 random trees (~2% less fruit than optimal).
+ -- Optimal values per group size: 2: 50%, 3: 57.78%, 4: 63%, 5: 66.9%, 6: 69.9%, [...], 12: 79.8%
+ -- So 57% is optimal for small groups of trees. As larger groups have more female palms anyway, a
+ -- less than optimal proportion of female to male trees is not a problem.
+moretrees.dates_pollination_distance = 120
+moretrees.dates_blossom_search_time_treshold = 1000 -- If average male blossom search time (in microseconds) exceeds this, start limiting the search load.
+moretrees.dates_blossom_search_iload = 10 -- Inverse fraction of CPU time that male blossom searching search may consume.
+ -- As searching a large area (radius: dates_pollination_distance/3 per attempt) can cause lag,
+ -- this limits the search frequency server-wide so that the impact on server lag is minimised
+ -- For personal servers, this can be set lower, or even to 1 or 0 (0 disables load limiting).
+ -- Obtain the current average search time using /dates_stats
+moretrees.dates_flower_interval = 59
+moretrees.dates_flower_chance = 181
+moretrees.dates_grow_interval = 2 * moretrees.dates_flower_interval * moretrees.dates_flower_chance
+ -- As date palms have a high yield, don't grow dates too fast
+ -- The actual interval will vary randomly between 67% and 133% of this value.
+ -- 2 * 59 * 181 ~ 6 hours. So by default flowers become dates in about one (human) day.
+moretrees.dates_item_drop_ichance = 10 -- inverse probability of ripe dates dropping as items (instead of disappearing)
-- Sapling settings
moretrees.sapling_interval = 500