path: root/node_defs.lua
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2017-03-30fix broken leafdecay on jungle tree and fir treeVanessa Ezekowitz
2017-03-15set is_ground_content properlyVanessa Ezekowitz
to prevent cavegen griefing on everything but saplings
2017-03-14use new minetest_game leafdecay APIVanessa Ezekowitz
2017-02-10adapt plantlike leaves' scale for current engineVanessa Ezekowitz
2016-08-21pine_sapling_ongen -> cedar_sapling_ongen aliasVanessa Ezekowitz
2016-07-03Add poplar treeRogier
Poplars exist in two kinds: small and large trees. Both use the same nodes, except for the sapling. Poplar leaves may drop one or the other sapling. Poplar trees require a humid environment, and water nearby. Provided there is water, an occasional poplar will grow under less humid conditions.
2016-06-27Make cocos palm regrow coconuts.Rogier
This feature is optional, and can be turned off. Existing cocos trees are converted.
2016-06-27Add date palmRogier
Spawns in hot and dry desert, but requires water. This makes it a bit harder to find, but where found, it can be more abundant. If found in the middle of a desert, its presence indicates a water source below the surface. As an additional optional feature, dates (slowly) grow back after harvesting.
2016-05-18Restore previous pine as cedarRogier
Commit ad0cbbc0f disabled the previous moretrees pine, and aliased it to the default minetest pine. The default pine is a completely different tree though, with different apppearance and different textures. This commit restores the previous pine tree, renaming it to cedar to avoid a tree name clash with the default game. Any existing moretrees pine trees will be converted to cedar, so that their appearance does not change. Moretrees pine trees that have already been converted to the default pine tree are not converted back.
2015-08-21fix aliasVanessa Ezekowitz
2015-08-17fix copy&paste error in green -> default jungle leaves aliasVanessa Ezekowitz
2015-08-15fix bad texture refs on saplingsVanessa Ezekowitz
2015-08-15use default leaf decay code for everything.Vanessa Ezekowitz
2015-08-14made birch, spruce, fir, and jungle trees spawn againVanessa Ezekowitz
turned out to be I was using foo:bar for their function calls, which biome_lib filters out (only group defs can use that format). Changed them to quoted-string "" format. Also, jungle trees need a moretrees-specific copy of the default jungle trunk node so that there's something unique to match against for the density limit. also, made jungle trees use the same biome settings as giant tree ferns
2015-08-14Use default nodes wherever possibleVanessa Ezekowitz
for pines, jungle trees/leaves, acacias
2015-07-30use clone-node method to redefine appleVanessa Ezekowitz
(only way to add a new group item, for compat with rubenwardy's food mod)
2015-07-19don't define acacia and pine nodes - alias them to the default ones insteadVanessa Ezekowitz
2015-07-19add support for the default stairs modVanessa Ezekowitz
renamed the relevant enable setting
2014-12-27use current intllib APIVanessa Ezekowitz
2014-12-18plantlike leaves images are obsolete now due to fixes in the engine.Vanessa Ezekowitz
2014-08-24add acacia treesVanessa Ezekowitz
grows in the desert near the edges of the biome
2014-08-13Remove failed attempt at manual placement flagZefram
The code was failing to set the "placed" flag on empty rubber tree trunk nodes because the after_place_node callback that does it would only be called by the default on_place callback, which is overridden for that node type. The code also fails to even attempt to set the flag on full rubber tree trunk nodes. The technic mod no longer looks at this flag, so remove the attempt to set it, rather than fix setting it.
2014-08-06do the same for that mod's leaves and saplingVanessa Ezekowitz
2014-08-06alias old farming:rubber_tree_full to moretrees:rubber_tree_trunkVanessa Ezekowitz
2014-07-30phase out the old clone_node call. use minetest.override_item() instead.Vanessa Ezekowitz
2014-07-13bright fir leaves need to drop themselves, not their dark counterpartsVanessa Ezekowitz
2014-06-16updated to match current moreblocks/stairsplus APIVanessa Ezekowitz
2014-04-21aliases for jungle tree trunk and planksZefram
2014-03-20add support for intllib translation modXanthin
now with stairsplus support
2014-03-12added intllib function for translationXanthin
2014-01-30Get rid of old ownership code, use Minetest's own code insteadVanessa Ezekowitz
2014-01-16Put all saplings into "sapling" groupVanessa Ezekowitz
2014-01-13incorrect check for drop rarity for palmsVanessa Ezekowitz
2013-12-25make jungletree leaves wave (how the hell did I miss this?)Vanessa Ezekowitz
2013-12-15local-ize several variablesVanessa Ezekowitz
2013-11-27oops, extra commaVanessa Ezekowitz
2013-11-27oops, put that flag in the wrong placeVanessa Ezekowitz
2013-11-27Add a metadata flag that's set when an empty rubber tree is placed inVanessa Ezekowitz
the world (keeps it from regrowing into a full one)
2013-11-27Add waving=1 (equivalent) to all leaves nodes, but only whenVanessa Ezekowitz
regular cubic leaves are in use (the default). This affects default trees also.
2013-11-22Clean up code that redefines default leaves and default jungle leavesVanessa Ezekowitz
(it was redefining more stuff than was necessary). As a side effect, this fixes a bug where non-plantlike leaves were using the wrong textures in the inventory. Remove all of the previous waving leaves changes as the shader that provides that feature is about to change in a way that will break what I had here. Clean up code that sets default drawtype and visual_scale of leaves
2013-11-21Actually make the leaf waving work rightVanessa Ezekowitz
2013-11-21Make leaves wave when shaders are on and regular cubical drawtype is selected.Vanessa Ezekowitz
2013-11-16fix crash when regular cubical leaves mode is enabledVanessa Ezekowitz
2013-11-14Made all leaves draw as cubes in the inventory regardless of whetherVanessa Ezekowitz
they are plantlike or not in the world. This has the side effect that a dropped leaf block will look like a flat sprite. Oh well, no other way to fix it. Adjusted the offset of the textures so that leaves place more accurately in the world (blame this on the engine, it has no option for me to adjust the precise vertical visual scale independently from the horizontal scale, so I have to fake it with the textures).
2013-11-14fix incorrect clone_node() callVanessa Ezekowitz
2013-11-14Use clone node method to redefine the default appleVanessa Ezekowitz
2013-11-14Made it possible via moretrees config to force all moretrees, default, andVanessa Ezekowitz
default jungle tree leaves to be plantlike drawtype. The default setting is now plantlike. Change moretres_settings.txt in your world folder if you don't like it. Rearranged a bit of code to accommodate this.
2013-11-08forgot to return the modified itemstack on empty rubber treesVanessa Ezekowitz
2013-11-07Oops, forgot to return the modified item stackVanessa Ezekowitz
2013-11-07Moretrees' trunks can now be turned sideways when placing,Vanessa Ezekowitz
using minetest.rotate_and_place() Requires Minetest git commit 1d856b73 or later.