path: root/textures
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2016-06-27Add recipes with dates (and nuts, and coconut)Rogier
2016-06-27Add date palmRogier
2016-05-18Restore previous pine as cedarRogier
2015-07-19don't define acacia and pine nodes - alias them to the default ones insteadVanessa Ezekowitz
2015-01-23OPTIMIZE _ALL_ THE TEXTURES! \:D/Vanessa Ezekowitz
2014-12-18plantlike leaves images are obsolete now due to fixes in the engine.Vanessa Ezekowitz
2014-08-24add plantlike leaves for acaciaVanessa Ezekowitz
2014-08-24add acacia treesVanessa Ezekowitz
2013-11-14Made all leaves draw as cubes in the inventory regardless of whetherVanessa Ezekowitz
2013-11-14Made it possible via moretrees config to force all moretrees, default, andVanessa Ezekowitz
2013-09-09Fixes mixup of textures.Tim Huppertz
2013-09-09Replaces TerraFirmaCraft textures with new ones under CC-BY-SA-3.0.Tim Huppertz
2013-05-30Ran all textures through pngquant.Vanessa Ezekowitz
2013-05-30Ran all textures through pngcrush.Vanessa Ezekowitz
2013-04-17Update 2013-04-17: Got rid of horizontal jungle tree trunk, aliased itVanessa Ezekowitz
2013-04-13Added alises for farming_plus rubber trees, added "empty" rubber tree trunkVanessa Ezekowitz
2013-03-19removed redundant jungle texturesVanessa Ezekowitz
2013-01-25Modified tree generation and sapling growth callsVanessa Ezekowitz
2013-01-22added wood planks for fir trees.Vanessa Ezekowitz
2013-01-21Better textures for acorn and spruce, fir, pine cones.Vanessa Ezekowitz
2013-01-21Added fir cones, more tweaks to weed out old conifer/jungletree refs.Vanessa Ezekowitz
2013-01-21Forgot some references to the old jungletrees and conifers nodesVanessa Ezekowitz
2013-01-21weeded out all the old node and texture names from jungletree and conifersVanessa Ezekowitz
2013-01-19Working on adding a whole new set of trees to the modVanessa Ezekowitz
2013-01-09first commitVanessa Ezekowitz