diff options
2 files changed, 458 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/depends.txt b/depends.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4ad96d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/depends.txt
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/init.lua b/init.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e1c1892
--- /dev/null
+++ b/init.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,457 @@
+-- Minetest Sedimentology Mod
+local interval = 1.0
+local count = 20
+local radius = 100
+local stat_considered = 0
+local stat_displaced = 0
+local stat_degraded = 0
+local function round(f)
+ if f >= 0 then
+ return math.floor(f + 0.5)
+ else
+ return math.ceil(f - 0.5)
+ end
+local walker = {
+ [0] = {x = 0, z = 1}, {x = 1, z = 0}, {x = 0, z = -1}, {x = -1, z = 0},
+ {x = 1, z = 1}, {x = 1, z = -1}, {x = -1, z = 1}, {x = -1, z = -1},
+ {x = 2, z = 0}, {x = -2, z = 0}, {x = 0, z = 2}, {x = 0, z = -2},
+ {x = 2, z = 1}, {x = 2, z = -1}, {x = 1, z = 2}, {x = 1, z = -2},
+ {x = -1, z = 2}, {x = -1, z = -2}, {x = -2, z = 1}, {x = -2, z = -1},
+ {x = 2, z = 2}, {x = -2, z = 2}, {x = 2, z = -2}, {x = -2, z = -2}
+local walker_step = 0
+local walker_start = 0
+local walker_phase = 4
+local function walker_f(x, y)
+ if x == 0 and y == 0 then
+ walker_step = 0
+ end
+ if walker_step == 0 or walker_step == 4 or walker_step == 8 or walker_step == 24 then
+ walker_start = math.floor(math.random() * 4.0)
+ walker_phase = 4
+ elseif walker_step == 12 then
+ walker_start = math.floor(math.random() * 8.0)
+ walker_phase = 8
+ end
+ local section_start = walker_step - (walker_step % walker_phase)
+ local section_part = ((walker_step - section_start) + walker_start) % walker_phase
+ walker_step = walker_step + 1
+ return walker[section_start + section_part]
+local function roll(chance)
+ return (math.random() >= chance)
+local function node_above(node)
+ local pos = minetest.get_pos(node)
+ return {x = pos.x, y = pos.y + 1, z = pos.z}
+local function node_below(node)
+ local pos = minetest.get_pos(node)
+ return {x = pos.x, y = pos.y - 1, z = pos.z}
+local function pos_is_node(pos)
+ return minetest.get_node_or_nil(pos)
+local function node_is_air(node)
+ return == "air"
+local function node_is_plant(node)
+ if not node then
+ return false
+ end
+ local name =
+ local drawtype = minetest.registered_nodes[name].drawtype
+ if drawtype == "plantlike" then
+ return true
+ end
+ if minetest.registered_nodes[].groups.flora == 1 then
+ return true
+ end
+ return ((name == "default:leaves") or
+ (name == "default:jungleleaves") or
+ (name == "default:pine_needles") or
+ (name == "default:cactus"))
+local function node_is_water(node)
+ if not node then
+ return false
+ end
+ print(dump(node))
+ return (( == "default:water_source") or
+ ( == "default:water_flowing"))
+local function node_is_lava(node)
+ if not node then
+ return false
+ end
+ return (( == "default:lava_source") or
+ ( == "default:lava_flowing"))
+local function node_is_liquid(node)
+ if not node then
+ return false
+ end
+ local name =
+ local drawtype = minetest.registered_nodes[name].drawtype
+ if drawtype then
+ if (drawtype == "liquid") or (drawtype == "flowingliquid") then
+ return true
+ end
+ end
+ return false
+local function scan_for_water(pos, waterfactor)
+ local w = waterfactor
+ for xx = pos.x - 2,pos.x + 2,1 do
+ for yy = pos.y - 2,pos.y + 2,1 do
+ for zz = pos.z - 2,pos.z + 2,1 do
+ local nn = minetest.get_node({xx, yy, zz})
+ if == "default:water_flowing" then
+ return 0.25
+ elseif == "default:water_source" then
+ w = 0.125
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return w
+local function scan_for_vegetation(pos)
+ local v = 1.0
+ for xx = pos.x - 3,pos.x + 3,1 do
+ for yy = pos.y - 3,pos.y + 3,1 do
+ for zz = pos.z - 3,pos.z + 3,1 do
+ local nn = minetest.get_node({xx, yy, zz})
+ if node_is_plant(nn) then
+ -- factor distance to plant
+ local d = (math.abs(xx - pos.x) + math.abs(yy - pos.y) + math.abs(zz - pos.z)) / 3.0
+ -- scale it
+ local vv = 0.5 / (4.0 - d)
+ -- only take the lowest value
+ if (vv < v) then
+ v = vv
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return v
+local function node_is_valid_target_for_displacement(pos)
+ local node = minetest.get_node(pos)
+ if node_is_liquid(node) then
+ return true
+ elseif node_is_air(node) then
+ return true
+ elseif node_is_plant(node) then
+ return true
+ end
+ return false
+local function node_is_locked_in(pos)
+ if
+ node_is_valid_target_for_displacement({x = pos.x - 1, y = pos.y, z = pos.z}) or
+ node_is_valid_target_for_displacement({x = pos.x + 1, y = pos.y, z = pos.z}) or
+ node_is_valid_target_for_displacement({x = pos.x, y = pos.y, z = pos.z - 1}) or
+ node_is_valid_target_for_displacement({x = pos.x, y = pos.y, z = pos.z + 1})
+ then
+ return false
+ end
+ return true
+local function find_deposit_location(x, y, z)
+ local yy = y
+ while true do
+ if node_is_valid_target_for_displacement({x = x, y = yy, z = z}) then
+ yy = yy - 1
+ if yy < -32768 then
+ return y
+ end
+ else
+ return yy + 1
+ end
+ end
+local function sed()
+ local underliquid = 0
+ -- pick a random block in (radius) around (random online player)
+ local playerlist = minetest.get_connected_players()
+ local playercount = table.getn(playerlist)
+ if playercount == 0 then
+ return
+ end
+ local r = math.random(playercount)
+ local randomplayer = playerlist[r]
+ local playerpos = randomplayer:getpos()
+ local pos = {
+ x = math.random(playerpos.x - radius, playerpos.x + radius),
+ y = 0,
+ z = math.random(playerpos.z - radius, playerpos.z + radius)
+ }
+ local node = minetest.get_pos(pos)
+ stat_considered = stat_considered + 1
+ -- now go find the topmost non-air block
+ repeat
+ node = node_above(node)
+ until node_is_air(node)
+ repeat
+ node = node_below(node)
+ until not node_is_air(node)
+ -- then search under water/lava and any see-through plant stuff
+ while (node_is_liquid(node)) do
+ underliquid = underliquid + 1
+ node = node_below(node)
+ end
+ -- check if we're material that we can do something with
+ local hardness = 1.0
+ local resistance = 1.0
+ if == "default:dirt" or
+ == "default:dirt_with_grass" or
+ == "default:dirt_with_grass_footsteps" or
+ == "default:dirt_with_snow" then
+ -- default hardness (very soft) here
+ elseif == "default:sand" or == "default:desert_sand" then
+ -- sand is "hard" to break into clay, but moves easily
+ hardness = 0.01
+ elseif == "default:gravel" then
+ hardness = 0.15
+ resistance = 0.70
+ elseif == "default:clay" then
+ resistance = 0.3
+ elseif == "default:sandstone" or
+ == "default:cobble" or
+ == "default:mossycobble" or
+ == "default:desert_cobble" then
+ hardness = 0.05
+ resistance = 0.05
+ elseif == "default:desert_stone" or
+ == "default:stone" then
+ hardness = 0.01
+ resistance = 0.01
+ elseif == "default:stone_with_coal" or
+ == "default:stone_with_iron" or
+ == "default:stone_with_copper" or
+ == "default:stone_with_gold" or
+ == "default:stone_with_mese" or
+ == "default:stone_with_diamond" then
+ hardness = 0.0001
+ resistance = 0.01
+ else
+ -- we don't do anything with this node type
+ return
+ end
+ -- determine nearby water scaling
+ local waterfactor = 0.01
+ if underliquid > 0 then
+ waterfactor = 0.5
+ else
+ waterfactor = scan_for_water(pos, waterfactor)
+ end
+ if roll(waterfactor) then
+ return
+ end
+ -- slow down deeper under sea level (wave action reduced energy)
+ if underliquid and pos.y < 0.0 then
+ if roll(2.0 * math.pow(0.5, 0.0 - pos.y)) then
+ return
+ end
+ end
+ -- factor in vegetation that slows erosion down
+ if roll(scan_for_vegetation(pos)) then
+ return
+ end
+ -- displacement - before we erode this material, we check to see if
+ -- it's not easier to move the material first. If that fails, we'll
+ -- end up degrading the material as calculated
+ if not node_is_locked_in(pos) then
+ local steps = 8
+ if == "default:sand" or
+ == "default:desert_sand" or
+ (underliquid > 0) then
+ steps = 24
+ else
+ steps = 8
+ end
+ -- walker algorithm here
+ local lowest = pos.y
+ local lowesto = {x = pos.x, z = pos.z}
+ local o = {x = 0, z = 0}
+ for step = 1, steps, 1 do
+ o = walker_f(o.x, o.z)
+ local h = find_deposit_location(pos.x + o.x, lowest, pos.z + o.z)
+print("walking step " .. step .. " to " .. pos.x + o.x .. ", " .. pos.z + o.z .. " -> lowest = " .. h)
+ if h < lowest then
+ lowest = h
+ lowesto = o
+ end
+ end
+ if lowest < pos.y then
+ local tpos = {x = pos.x + o.x, y = lowest, z = pos.z + o.z}
+ if not roll(resistance) then
+ local tnode = minetest.get_node(tpos)
+ if node_is_air(tnode) or node_is_plant(tnode) or node_is_liquid(tnode) then
+ -- time to displace the node from pos to tpos
+ minetest.place_node(tpos, node)
+ minetest.get_meta(tpos):from_table(minetest.get_meta(pos):to_table())
+ minetest.remove_node(pos)
+ -- FIXME
+ -- fix water at source location
+ -- fix water at target location
+ print("Moved:",, pos.x, pos.y, pos.z, "to:",, tpos.x, tpos.y, tpos.z)
+ stat_displaced = stat_displaced + 1
+ -- done - don't degrade this block further
+ return
+ else
+ --debug
+ print("displacement failed: target has something:", tpos.x, tpos.y, tpos.z)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ -- degrade
+ -- compensate speed for grass/dirt cycle
+ -- sand only becomes clay under sealevel
+ if (( == "default:sand" or == "default:desert_sand") and (underliquid > 0) and pos.y >= 0.0) then
+ return
+ end
+ -- prevent dirt-to-sand outside deserts
+ -- FIXME should account for Biome here too
+ if (underliquid < 1) and ( == "default:sand" or == "default:desert_sand") then
+ return
+ end
+ if roll(hardness) then
+ return
+ end
+ -- finally, determine new material type
+ local newmat = "air"
+ if == "default:dirt" then
+ newmat = "default:sand"
+ elseif == "default:dirt_with_grass" or
+ == "default:dirt_with_grass_footsteps" or
+ == "default:dirt_with_snow" then
+ newmat = "default:dirt"
+ elseif == "default:sand" or == "default:desert_sand" then
+ newmat = "default:clay"
+ elseif == "default:gravel" then
+ newmat = "default:dirt"
+ elseif == "default:clay" then
+ return
+ elseif == "default:sandstone" or
+ == "default:cobble" or
+ == "default:mossycobble" or
+ == "default:desert_cobble" then
+ newmat = "default:gravel"
+ elseif == "default:desert_stone" or
+ == "default:stone" then
+ newmat = "default:cobble"
+ elseif == "default:stone_with_coal" or
+ == "default:stone_with_iron" or
+ == "default:stone_with_copper" or
+ == "default:stone_with_gold" or
+ == "default:stone_with_mese" or
+ == "default:stone_with_diamond" then
+ newmat = "default:stone"
+ else
+ print("wut",
+ return
+ end
+ minetest.set_node(pos, {name = newmat})
+ stat_degraded = stat_degraded + 1
+local function sedimentology()
+ -- select a random point that is loaded in the game
+ for c=1,count,1 do
+ sed()
+ end
+ -- requeue a timer to call again
+ minetest.after(interval, sedimentology)
+local function sedcmd(name, param)
+ if param == "stats" then
+ local output = "Sedimentology mod statistics:" ..
+ "\nconsidered: " .. stat_considered ..
+ "\ndisplaced: " .. stat_displaced ..
+ "\ndegraded: " .. stat_degraded
+ return true, output
+ end
+ return true, "Command completed succesfully"
+minetest.register_chatcommand("sed", {
+ params = "stats|...",
+ description = "Various action commands for the sedimentology mod",
+ func = sedcmd
+minetest.after(interval, sedimentology)
+print("Initialized Sedimentology")