path: root/technic/machines/HV/nuclear_reactor.lua
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'technic/machines/HV/nuclear_reactor.lua')
1 files changed, 97 insertions, 99 deletions
diff --git a/technic/machines/HV/nuclear_reactor.lua b/technic/machines/HV/nuclear_reactor.lua
index 56dd7a4..580bd58 100644
--- a/technic/machines/HV/nuclear_reactor.lua
+++ b/technic/machines/HV/nuclear_reactor.lua
@@ -48,60 +48,6 @@ local nodebox = {
{ -0.303, -0.303, -0.397, 0.303, 0.303, 0.397 },
-minetest.register_node("technic:hv_nuclear_reactor_core", {
- description = S("Nuclear %s Generator Core"):format("HV"),
- tiles = {"technic_hv_nuclear_reactor_core.png", "technic_hv_nuclear_reactor_core.png",
- "technic_hv_nuclear_reactor_core.png", "technic_hv_nuclear_reactor_core.png",
- "technic_hv_nuclear_reactor_core.png", "technic_hv_nuclear_reactor_core.png"},
- groups = {snappy=2, choppy=2, oddly_breakable_by_hand=2},
- legacy_facedir_simple = true,
- sounds = default.node_sound_wood_defaults(),
- drawtype="nodebox",
- paramtype = "light",
- stack_max = 1,
- node_box = {
- type = "fixed",
- fixed = nodebox
- },
- on_construct = function(pos)
- local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos)
- meta:set_string("infotext", S("Nuclear %s Generator Core"):format("HV"))
- meta:set_int("HV_EU_supply", 0)
- -- Signal to the switching station that this device burns some
- -- sort of fuel and needs special handling
- meta:set_int("HV_EU_from_fuel", 1)
- meta:set_int("burn_time", 0)
- meta:set_string("formspec", generator_formspec)
- local inv = meta:get_inventory()
- inv:set_size("src", 6)
- end,
- can_dig = technic.machine_can_dig,
- allow_metadata_inventory_put = technic.machine_inventory_put,
- allow_metadata_inventory_take = technic.machine_inventory_take,
- allow_metadata_inventory_move = technic.machine_inventory_move,
-minetest.register_node("technic:hv_nuclear_reactor_core_active", {
- tiles = {"technic_hv_nuclear_reactor_core.png", "technic_hv_nuclear_reactor_core.png",
- "technic_hv_nuclear_reactor_core.png", "technic_hv_nuclear_reactor_core.png",
- "technic_hv_nuclear_reactor_core.png", "technic_hv_nuclear_reactor_core.png"},
- groups = {snappy=2, choppy=2, oddly_breakable_by_hand=2, not_in_creative_inventory=1},
- legacy_facedir_simple = true,
- sounds = default.node_sound_wood_defaults(),
- drop="technic:hv_nuclear_reactor_core",
- drawtype="nodebox",
- light_source = 15,
- paramtype = "light",
- node_box = {
- type = "fixed",
- fixed = nodebox
- },
- can_dig = technic.machine_can_dig,
- allow_metadata_inventory_put = technic.machine_inventory_put,
- allow_metadata_inventory_take = technic.machine_inventory_take,
- allow_metadata_inventory_move = technic.machine_inventory_move,
local check_reactor_structure = function(pos)
-- The reactor consists of a 9x9x9 cube structure
-- A cross section through the middle:
@@ -188,57 +134,109 @@ local function damage_nearby_players(pos)
- nodenames = {"technic:hv_nuclear_reactor_core", "technic:hv_nuclear_reactor_core_active"},
- interval = 1,
- chance = 1,
- action = function(pos, node, active_object_count, active_object_count_wider)
- local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos)
- local machine_name = S("Nuclear %s Generator Core"):format("HV")
- local burn_time = meta:get_int("burn_time") or 0
- if burn_time >= burn_ticks or burn_time == 0 then
- local inv = meta:get_inventory()
- if not inv:is_empty("src") then
- local srclist = inv:get_list("src")
- local correct_fuel_count = 0
- for _, srcstack in pairs(srclist) do
- if srcstack then
- if srcstack:get_name() == fuel_type then
- correct_fuel_count = correct_fuel_count + 1
- end
- end
- end
- -- Check that the reactor is complete as well
- -- as the correct number of correct fuel
- if correct_fuel_count == 6 and
- check_reactor_structure(pos) then
- meta:set_int("burn_time", 1)
- technic.swap_node(pos, "technic:hv_nuclear_reactor_core_active")
- meta:set_int("HV_EU_supply", power_supply)
- for idx, srcstack in pairs(srclist) do
- srcstack:take_item()
- inv:set_stack("src", idx, srcstack)
+local run = function(pos, node)
+ local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos)
+ local machine_name = S("Nuclear %s Generator Core"):format("HV")
+ local burn_time = meta:get_int("burn_time") or 0
+ if burn_time >= burn_ticks or burn_time == 0 then
+ local inv = meta:get_inventory()
+ if not inv:is_empty("src") then
+ local srclist = inv:get_list("src")
+ local correct_fuel_count = 0
+ for _, srcstack in pairs(srclist) do
+ if srcstack then
+ if srcstack:get_name() == fuel_type then
+ correct_fuel_count = correct_fuel_count + 1
- return
- meta:set_int("HV_EU_supply", 0)
- meta:set_int("burn_time", 0)
- meta:set_string("infotext", S("%s Idle"):format(machine_name))
- technic.swap_node(pos, "technic:hv_nuclear_reactor_core")
- elseif burn_time > 0 then
- damage_nearby_players(pos)
- if not check_reactor_structure(pos) then
- explode_reactor(pos)
+ -- Check that the reactor is complete as well
+ -- as the correct number of correct fuel
+ if correct_fuel_count == 6 and
+ check_reactor_structure(pos) then
+ meta:set_int("burn_time", 1)
+ technic.swap_node(pos, "technic:hv_nuclear_reactor_core_active")
+ meta:set_int("HV_EU_supply", power_supply)
+ for idx, srcstack in pairs(srclist) do
+ srcstack:take_item()
+ inv:set_stack("src", idx, srcstack)
+ end
+ return
- burn_time = burn_time + 1
- meta:set_int("burn_time", burn_time)
- local percent = math.floor(burn_time / burn_ticks * 100)
- meta:set_string("infotext", machine_name.." ("..percent.."%)")
- meta:set_int("HV_EU_supply", power_supply)
+ meta:set_int("HV_EU_supply", 0)
+ meta:set_int("burn_time", 0)
+ meta:set_string("infotext", S("%s Idle"):format(machine_name))
+ technic.swap_node(pos, "technic:hv_nuclear_reactor_core")
+ elseif burn_time > 0 then
+ damage_nearby_players(pos)
+ if not check_reactor_structure(pos) then
+ explode_reactor(pos)
+ end
+ burn_time = burn_time + 1
+ meta:set_int("burn_time", burn_time)
+ local percent = math.floor(burn_time / burn_ticks * 100)
+ meta:set_string("infotext", machine_name.." ("..percent.."%)")
+ meta:set_int("HV_EU_supply", power_supply)
+minetest.register_node("technic:hv_nuclear_reactor_core", {
+ description = S("Nuclear %s Generator Core"):format("HV"),
+ tiles = {"technic_hv_nuclear_reactor_core.png", "technic_hv_nuclear_reactor_core.png",
+ "technic_hv_nuclear_reactor_core.png", "technic_hv_nuclear_reactor_core.png",
+ "technic_hv_nuclear_reactor_core.png", "technic_hv_nuclear_reactor_core.png"},
+ groups = {snappy=2, choppy=2, oddly_breakable_by_hand=2, technic_machine=1},
+ legacy_facedir_simple = true,
+ sounds = default.node_sound_wood_defaults(),
+ drawtype="nodebox",
+ paramtype = "light",
+ stack_max = 1,
+ node_box = {
+ type = "fixed",
+ fixed = nodebox
+ },
+ on_construct = function(pos)
+ local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos)
+ meta:set_string("infotext", S("Nuclear %s Generator Core"):format("HV"))
+ meta:set_int("HV_EU_supply", 0)
+ -- Signal to the switching station that this device burns some
+ -- sort of fuel and needs special handling
+ meta:set_int("HV_EU_from_fuel", 1)
+ meta:set_int("burn_time", 0)
+ meta:set_string("formspec", generator_formspec)
+ local inv = meta:get_inventory()
+ inv:set_size("src", 6)
+ end,
+ can_dig = technic.machine_can_dig,
+ allow_metadata_inventory_put = technic.machine_inventory_put,
+ allow_metadata_inventory_take = technic.machine_inventory_take,
+ allow_metadata_inventory_move = technic.machine_inventory_move,
+ technic_run = run,
+minetest.register_node("technic:hv_nuclear_reactor_core_active", {
+ tiles = {"technic_hv_nuclear_reactor_core.png", "technic_hv_nuclear_reactor_core.png",
+ "technic_hv_nuclear_reactor_core.png", "technic_hv_nuclear_reactor_core.png",
+ "technic_hv_nuclear_reactor_core.png", "technic_hv_nuclear_reactor_core.png"},
+ groups = {snappy=2, choppy=2, oddly_breakable_by_hand=2, technic_machine=1, not_in_creative_inventory=1},
+ legacy_facedir_simple = true,
+ sounds = default.node_sound_wood_defaults(),
+ drop="technic:hv_nuclear_reactor_core",
+ drawtype="nodebox",
+ light_source = 15,
+ paramtype = "light",
+ node_box = {
+ type = "fixed",
+ fixed = nodebox
+ },
+ can_dig = technic.machine_can_dig,
+ allow_metadata_inventory_put = technic.machine_inventory_put,
+ allow_metadata_inventory_take = technic.machine_inventory_take,
+ allow_metadata_inventory_move = technic.machine_inventory_move,
+ technic_run = run,
+ technic_disabled_machine_name = "technic:hv_nuclear_reactor_core",
technic.register_machine("HV", "technic:hv_nuclear_reactor_core", technic.producer)