path: root/register.lua
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Diffstat (limited to 'register.lua')
1 files changed, 35 insertions, 24 deletions
diff --git a/register.lua b/register.lua
index 3815f05..1c8eb54 100644
--- a/register.lua
+++ b/register.lua
@@ -169,6 +169,23 @@ local function stack_image_button(x, y, w, h, buttonname_prefix, item)
+local recipe_text = {
+ recipe = "Recipe",
+ usage = "Usage",
+local no_recipe_text = {
+ recipe = "No recipes",
+ usage = "No usages",
+local role_text = {
+ recipe = "Result",
+ usage = "Ingredient",
+local other_dir = {
+ recipe = "usage",
+ usage = "recipe",
unified_inventory.register_page("craftguide", {
get_formspec = function(player)
local player_name = player:get_player_name()
@@ -179,36 +196,33 @@ unified_inventory.register_page("craftguide", {
local item_name = unified_inventory.current_item[player_name]
if not item_name then return {formspec=formspec} end
- formspec = formspec.."background[0,1;8,3;ui_craftguide_form.png]"
- formspec = formspec.."textarea[0.3,0.6;10,1;;Result: "..minetest.formspec_escape(item_name)..";]"
- formspec = formspec.."list[detached:"..minetest.formspec_escape(player_name).."craftrecipe;output;6,1;1,1;]"
- local craftinv = minetest.get_inventory({
- type = "detached",
- name = player_name.."craftrecipe"
- })
- local alternate, alternates, craft, craft_type
- alternate = unified_inventory.alternate[player_name]
- local crafts = unified_inventory.crafts_table[item_name]
+ local dir = unified_inventory.current_craft_direction[player_name]
+ local crafts = unified_inventory.crafts_for[dir][item_name]
+ local alternate = unified_inventory.alternate[player_name]
+ local alternates, craft
if crafts ~= nil and #crafts > 0 then
alternates = #crafts
craft = crafts[alternate]
+ formspec = formspec.."background[0,1;8,3;ui_craftguide_form.png]"
+ formspec = formspec.."textarea[0.3,0.6;10,1;;"..minetest.formspec_escape(role_text[dir]..": "..item_name)..";]"
if not craft then
- craftinv:set_stack("output", 1, item_name)
- craft_type = unified_inventory.craft_type_defaults("", {})
- formspec = formspec.."label[6,3.35;No recipes]"
- formspec = formspec.."image[4,1;1.1,1.1;ui_no.png]"
+ formspec = formspec.."label[6,3.35;"..minetest.formspec_escape(no_recipe_text[dir]).."]"
+ local no_pos = dir == "recipe" and 4 or 6
+ local item_pos = dir == "recipe" and 6 or 4
+ formspec = formspec.."image["..no_pos..",1;1.1,1.1;ui_no.png]"
+ formspec = formspec..stack_image_button(item_pos, 1, 1.1, 1.1, "item_button_"..other_dir[dir].."_", ItemStack(item_name))
return {formspec = formspec}
- craftinv:set_stack("output", 1, craft.output)
- craft_type = unified_inventory.registered_craft_types[craft.type] or
+ local craft_type = unified_inventory.registered_craft_types[craft.type] or
unified_inventory.craft_type_defaults(craft.type, {})
formspec = formspec.."label[6,3.35;Method:]"
formspec = formspec.."label[6,3.75;"
+ formspec = formspec..stack_image_button(6, 1, 1.1, 1.1, "item_button_usage_", ItemStack(craft.output))
local display_size = craft_type.dynamic_display_size and craft_type.dynamic_display_size(craft) or { width = craft_type.width, height = craft_type.height }
local craft_width = craft_type.get_shaped_craft_width and craft_type.get_shaped_craft_width(craft) or display_size.width
@@ -224,7 +238,8 @@ unified_inventory.register_page("craftguide", {
if item then
formspec = formspec..stack_image_button(
xoffset + x, y, 1.1, 1.1,
- "item_button_", ItemStack(item))
+ "item_button_recipe_",
+ ItemStack(item))
-- Fake buttons just to make grid
formspec = formspec.."image_button["
@@ -242,7 +257,7 @@ unified_inventory.register_page("craftguide", {
if alternates and alternates > 1 then
- formspec = formspec.."label[0,2.6;Recipe "
+ formspec = formspec.."label[0,2.6;"..recipe_text[dir].." "
..tostring(alternate).." of "
@@ -259,17 +274,13 @@ minetest.register_on_player_receive_fields(function(player, formname, fields)
if not amount then return end
local player_name = player:get_player_name()
- local recipe_inv = minetest.get_inventory({
- type="detached",
- name=player_name.."craftrecipe",
- })
local output = unified_inventory.current_item[player_name]
if (not output) or (output == "") then return end
local player_inv = player:get_inventory()
- local crafts = unified_inventory.crafts_table[output]
+ local crafts = unified_inventory.crafts_for[unified_inventory.current_craft_direction[player_name]][output]
if (not crafts) or (#crafts == 0) then return end
local alternate = unified_inventory.alternate[player_name]